
Monday, November 30, 2009

For Today...

Outside my window... The sun is setting. My office window faces West so I'm seeing red and orange in the dark sky.

I am thinking... that I didn't get enough done this weekend. I still have piles of marking to do, but one of my colleagues (a half-time teacher who was just hired) has been helping us all out with marking and today she took some of mine.

I am thankful for... the generosity of my colleagues - the one who is doing some of my marking and another who is creating a writing assignment for me.

From the learning rooms... I learned how to knit on double-pointed needles! A whole new world has opened up for me.

From the kitchen... nothing. I am attending a dinner at the University Faculty Club tonight so I don't have to cook (not that I would anyway...)

I am wearing... a brown tweedy skirt and a turquoise and brown sweater, with brown leather boots and tights.

I am creating... another seed scarf and still trying to get my quilting projects finished.

I am going... crazy with all there is to be done here at school and at home before Christmas.

I am reading... Mistress of the Sun by Sandra Gulland. She wrote the Josephine trilogy.

I am hoping... that tonight's dinner and speaker won't run too late. I'm tired and really looking forward to sleep.

I am hearing... classical music played on

Around the house... Christmas decorations went up Saturday night and Sunday. The OnlyChild and I got home from our play Saturday night around 11 pm and decided to clean and decorate. We went to bed at 1:30 am Sunday having not quite finished everything.

One of my favourite things... a clean desk. Hasn't happened yet this semester!

A few plans for the rest of the week... finish the final project for my course, pick up a couple of Christmas presents, knit some, sew some, sleep.

Here is a picture thought:

My sister, Sarah, and my two nephews. This picture was taken over 20 years ago. I have it framed and sitting in my office. Since I'm at work, my choice of pictures is generally limited to Social Studies images... and this photo!

Thanks to Sara at Fabric and Fiber Fanatic for inspiring this post.


  1. very interesting, I enjoy these......

  2. I like these kinds of posts, too. I guess you are the BABY sister, huh?

  3. Hi Rachel,
    Very sweet photo of your sister and nephews.
    I think I told you I rec'd your ATC card...and guess what?! I finished the Peace one!!! I'll be sending it out next week!
    My tree is up and hope to post about it this week...
    deb :)

  4. Sweet post. I love reading what is going on with you. You do keep busy but hopefully having lots of fun in the process! I know you will enjoy your time off at Christmas time!

    Darling photos of your sissy.

    Have a nice evening.

  5. I remember that picture of Sarah and the kids. Its beautiful. You must treasure it. Did you end up finishing your decorating on Sunday? I bet the house looks great. You must be in the xmas mood at least a little. haha.

  6. Sounds like a pretty darn good I Am day! Woohoo for the dp's -- just you wait -- you're going to have some bigtime fun with that little skill!

  7. I love reading about your days!

  8. You are welcome...

    You can now knit on double point needles! I can't do that - I get all discombulated!

    Love the photo...

    What pattern is that scarf? Is it all ssed stitch???

  9. I so think I need to do this! I really loved learning more about you through this. And like you even more!


  10. Congrats on learning to knit with double-pointed needles! I'm embaressed to say I haven't learned to knit in the round on them ... I stick to circular needles. That picture of your sister and her children is so sweet. I'm glad to read you have help with your marking and writing assignment. Your house must look gorgeous ... where are the pictures? :o)

    I mailed my Peace ATCs on Monday so hopefully you will receive it in a week or so.

  11. Very nice post and what a great photo at the end. Hope you got some sleep :)


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