
Sunday, December 27, 2009


So... how was your Christmas?

Ours was quiet, just Mr. P, the OnlyChild and me... as usual.

We opened our presents, ate our turkey, then spent the rest of the day in separate rooms... as usual.

Yesterday, we skipped the malls and the Boxing Day madness in favour of staying in pajamas and, for me, marking. Yep, back to the old marking pile.

Today wasn't much better, although I did put on real clothes. More stupid marking. I have over 100 essays left to mark.

I attempted to have a 'family night' tonight, but it didn't quite work out. Mr. P wanted to go to a movie, but we couldn't all agree on a movie and it defeats the purpose of going to the movies together if we end up in different theatres. So instead we got pizza and started to play a game. It didn't end well. Can you say 'cabin fever'? I'll be glad when he goes back to work.

I woke up Christmas Eve with a cold, so between the marking, the grumpy husband, and terrible sinus pain, I'm not a happy girl.

Some Christmas vacation, eh?

Blah blah blah. I'll be back when I have something nice to say.


  1. I can sympathize with the "not feeling well" part of your post (and also recall days of being behind on marking, too). I hope we both feel better soon!

  2. so sorry, I hope you feel better soon and the hubs gets in a better mood

  3. I hope you feel better soon and get that marking done so you can enjoy some of your vacation before you have to go back!!

  4. Hey, we all have those days....
    I opted to give up one of my Christmas vacation days to go in to school and grade, and change the bulletin boards, and run off a few papers, and grade, which day? Umm, it was supposed to be today... and when did the bright idea come to me to go back during my holiday? Umm, that would be the Friday we got out, uh, yeah...that was smart...

  5. Wow, lots of stuff going on at you house! Sorry you got the cold. Oug~

    I can't even imagine what it is like to "mark" all those school papers!

    Well, my dear blog and ATC friend~have a good day.

  6. Sorry you're not feeling well. Are you getting close to being done with the marking? Any plans for fun later in the week? I have to do some work this week, too, while I'm on vacation, so I can relate. But it will be worse if I put it off until I return to work. Hope you feel better soon. Oh, by the way, I saw Bernice on television yesterday. She was on "For the Love of Quilting" or something like that on a PBS station. Impressive!

  7. Oh, I think we all have days like that...sorry to hear that you had one, though...

    Hope you are feeling better - and that you'll be all finished with the marking in the next few days!

  8. Hope things look up for you soon. Mine went back to work today. It was ...nice? He's snoring up a storm right now waiting for the football game to come on so he can wake up.
    See you're not alone... We can all relate.


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