
Monday, December 28, 2009


Swanky is finally done!

A little lap quilt for the OnlyChild's best friend. It's not too late for a Christmas present - she's been away for a week and just returned last night.

I got up this morning and headed straight to the sewing machine. Bernice was waiting, all threaded and ready to go.
I quilted my little heart out. Sewed on binding. Hand stitched until my fingers bled.

And it's ready to be wrapped and delivered tomorrow.

That's good news.
But I'm still feeling grumbly and miserable.
Now back to that pile of essays...


  1. Look at you! It's beautiful, she's gonna love it!
    I just got to the bottom of a very stacked table... no sewing....
    oh, well...
    I'm happy for your timely finish!

  2. Hi Grumpy. The quilt is beautiful. Congrats on finishing it. I wish it was mine. Sitting here freezing.

  3. That quilt is beautiful and I hope the gal appreciates it! (I also hope your daughter appreciates the amount of time and effort that goes into such a special gift.) Are you feeling any better? I may have pneumonia....had to go for an x-ray, but the prescription cough med and inhaler he prescribed are already making me feel a tiny bit better, so I'm hoping the x-ray says no pneumonia!!!

  4. Very nice!! She'll love it!!
    Hope you get over the grumpy's!
    tee hee I was right there too!

  5. I love the colors in that quilt! How do you ever have time to do your quilting, teach, go to school, be a mom and wife and all the other things you do??? Is it really hand-stitched?

    Just a few days until 2010. It is going to be a good year!

  6. Hello!
    We LOVE your blog and have added it to our Blog favorites and linked up. Your pictures are gorgeous and inspiring! Happy New Year and cheery wave from Bev

  7. Way to go Rachel!I sure your daughter's friend will cherish it. I love Swanky, I made a baby quilt this summer with both Amy Butler and Swanky. Came out real cute too.

  8. it looks lovely! Good job, now hopefully you'll be able to get through a whole stack of those papers and the grumpies will fade away!

  9. That is one cute quilt. I love that fabric. It just says happy! I'm sure your daughters friend will love it. What girl wouldn't?


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