
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ho. Hum.

I just can't seem to motivate myself to do anything tonight. My Italian lesson was cancelled, Mr. P is watching t.v. (as usual), the OnlyChild was out with a friend, and I have no marking (yes!) so I had the whole evening to devote to whatever I wanted.

Ho. Hum. Just couldn't do anything.

I stalked blogs, but didn't leave comments. (Sorry - I did visit, but I couldn't think of anything witty to say.)

I moved fabric from the chair to the ironing board.

I stared at my Checkerboard quilt pieces.

I considered making another house block.

Nope - no inspiration. I feel as though I've wasted the entire evening. I will never get back this bonus time. When I am crazy busy with work, French lessons, Italian lessons, another master's course, and all that other stuff, I will think back to the evening of February 17 and think, "Why?"

Or maybe not...

I don't know... is it okay to waste a night? It feels so wrong...


About the two houses in my last post:

They are both on Ada Boulevard which is about 2 blocks south of where I live. The top one is the Holgate Mansion, built in 1912. It was for sale about the same time we bought our house (4 years ago) and was listed at $1.25 million. It is gorgeous inside and out! If I had my pick (which I don't), this would be the one for me.

The house in the bottom photo is called the Magrath Mansion and it was also built in 1912. The current owners bought the house in the 1990s for $750,000. They open it up about twice a year to visitors. I keep meaning to have a snoop, but haven't gone yet.

As business partners, Bidwell Holgate and William Magrath developed the neighbourhood in which I live. In the early 1900s, they bought and built upon 23 lots. None of those houses are as extravagant as the two mansions. We thought our house was built in 1909, but the OnlyChild and I visited the city archives and the records there show that it was probably not built until 1914. We're a bit disappointed that we don't actually live in a "one-hundred year old house" as we've thought all along. On the upside, we didn't miss the house's centennial so we can still plan a party for 2014 (which seems a looong way off).

So, there you have it... I don't live in either of those beauties. I live here:


  1. Isn't it not funny when you have time to do anything you want it's always the hardest to decide what to do.. and when you don't have time you have a list of things you'd like to be doing?

  2. I feel guilty when I waste nights but sometimes it is your home!

  3. You didn't really waste it! You just needed to relax & think!
    Love your house!

  4. We all have those days/nights we waste, so don't beat yourself up about it. are right when you say that you will one night be wishing for another "Feb. 17" when you are in the midst of too-much marking and other "busy" actitivies!

  5. I do the same here with entire days. Not just an evening. lol

  6. Sometimes you just need a break from everything. No time wasted. I love your house too! It's cute!

  7. What is wasting time to one is not to another. I have whole days and weeks like that. I have to just make myself do something. But, it is perfectly ok not to be "doing" something every minute. My sister asked me recently if I ever just sit. Nope.

  8. I am lovin' your glassed in sunporch.

  9. Sigghh I am having one of those times today. Tired from yesterday. Can't get my get up to going!
    I like your smaller pretty home best.

  10. Down time is always nice , sometimes you just need to recharge your batteries. You have a lovely home, are those the lights that Mr.P can't understand why they're needed?

  11. Your house is beautiful! My sister lives in a house of your houses's vintage and I love it. And 2014 is a whole lot closer than you think!

  12. Your house is adorable Rachel! I love it! Jenn

  13. I like your house best. I love two story houses and the older the better. What fun you will have to celebrate in 2014 when you house turns 100 years old.

    And, by the is OK just to sit and do nothing and not feel quilty about it.

  14. Sometimes it is quite alright to just "hang" - I did that the other day...

    Couldn't get quite motivated so I played on the internet, read, knit some, played with a quilt block - and finally decided that I wanted a nap...

    Got nothing of consequence done...

  15. PS. meant to tell you I think you house looks comfy...and homey...

  16. Rachel, last Sunday I watched television from noon until 10PM. Solid. Ate while watching. Think I might have had one potty break, but I think I might have turned up the TV real loud so that I could hear it from the loo. I was probably minutes away from getting bed sores thanks to my prone and sedentary stance all day. It was absolutely pathetic. Me, Miss Gotta-Be-Productive, doing NOTHING.

    And I thought the same way you did, that I'd be looking back on it as such a waste. But ya know, I needed it. For some reason I needed to be lazy. Period.

    You wasted a night. I wasted a day. Let's instead say . . . You had a night of much needed nothing. I had a day of much needed nothing. (And here's to all the days when we are productive and busy BEYOND what most people can accomplish!)




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