
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Alas! No quilt top

I had hoped to get the Checkerboard quilt top put together this weekend... but it didn't happen.

Between the shopping

And the movie-going

And the house block-making

And the dog-walking (yesterday was a gorgeous day!)

And the taxi-driving

And a bit of cleaning and laundry,

I got this far by yesterday afternoon:

Then my friend Patt invited me to go and see a concert with her. How could I refuse? It was a great night out... and I feel a tiny bit rebellious since it was a school night.

Tonight, when I got home from work and the gym, I sewed the above pieces together into rows. And now I'm sewing the rows together. I don't know how much more time I'll have this week, but there's a Friday night sew-in this weekend so I should be able to make some more progress then.

Have you heard about the Friday Night Sew-in? Check it out!

I didn't do the January one, because I didn't know about it until Jen told me. It sounds like fun - and it sounds motivating. What could be better than comfy jammies, good music and my sewing machine on a Friday night?

Uh... don't answer that.

Anyway, I have about 1/2 an hour until bedtime, so I'm going back to Bernice and my Checkerboard. I want to leave you with a couple of photos that I took yesterday. Can you guess which one of these is my house?



  1. Progress is progress! Never feel guilty about living live and fitting in some fun time!!! Yes I need to hang my own wise words up n the wall... haha!!
    Pretty pics of houses.
    Love looking at houses.

  2. Well..I think both of those houses look very fine!!! Your quilt is looking good, too.

  3. Yea! you're going to join in on Friday too! Woohoo! I've already warned my husband and everything. Very excited.

    your quilt top is coming along nicely. More progress than me! I've gotten as far as taking the fabric for Punkie's quilt OUT of the bag. That's it. nothing else has been done.

    And I LOVE both those houses you posted. Sigh. I wish one of them was mine. I can dream...

  4. The more I think about it - the more I think I will join up for Friday - I don't really have anything to do that night...

    And, I need to tackles some quilting.

    Loving the way your patchwork quilt is coming along.

  5. Hmmm, I didn't see marking on that list of weekend activities. Must have been a nice weekend! The Friday night sew-in sounds fun.

    Those are both your houses, right? One for you and the mister, and one for the OnlyChild. Do I win a prize?

  6. Crack me up!! Their both yours of course! The first one is the servant's quarters - am I right??? Jenn

  7. Nice digs... looks like you getting some where on the checkerboard quilt. My sister and I will be partaking of the Friday Night Sew In too! We did it last time and it was fun.

  8. How did you get a picture of my house?


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