
Friday, April 23, 2010


Sometime last night (or perhaps today), this happened:

The wind was blowing quite hard. It knocked over the umbrella, which came smashing down on the table. The only reason the umbrella was open in the first place was because it was broken and wouldn't wind down so we could shut it. So, now we have a broken umbrella and a broken table.

Wow - hasn't it been a fun week?

After work today, I cleaned the laundry room where Rex lives. It was disgusting, and the smell is still not completely gone. It doesn't matter anyway; in a couple of days it will be just as bad again.

Oh Rex... I don't know how much more of this I can take.

The "T" key on my laptop isn't working properly. I have to press it very hard to get it to work. I don't know what's wrong with it. Have you ever noticed how many times you use the letter T? Lots! Maybe I could jus ype wihou using he leer . Would you undersand wha I was rying o say?

Ha! I didn't think so.

I finished quilting A Tisket a Tasket last night. Now just the binding to do and a few more ends to sew in. I know... it's about time! As soon as I finish those last bits, I'll show pics. And, I will get the OnlyChild to take some photos of me in my Bonne Fleur dress this weekend too.

Finishes are GOOD!

Happy Friday!

(p.s. I didn't end up going to Banff with Mr. P after all. But that's okay, really, because he sent me a text this morning saying they got 6" of snow last night. Ugh.)


  1. Here's SOME good news...I did understand you without the T....!!!!!

    Hope things get better for you soon. Sorry about the broken glass all over the place from the tabletop.

  2. Bummer:(

    Did you try canned air on your keyboard??
    Can't wait to see the dress & finished quilt!

  3. All I can say is: some days are worse than others. All will get better soon!

  4. You're hysterical! I understood everything perfectly without the T. I'm thinking about going without the S. orry about the table. Can't wait to ee the dre and quilt! (Turn out we ue the t lot more than the . ;-) )

  5. I could read what you were writing without the T' too! hang in there, joy comes in the morning.....

  6. Girl, you're in a funk. I think you need to get out of the house, forget about smelly cats, glass, and the letter "T" and have some fun. Don't you need a new pair of shoes to go with your Bonne Fleur dress? Summer clothes and paperback books for Paris? C'mon, get out and enjoy yourself.

  7. My "M" doesn't work right....

    Sorry about the table....and the pee......

    Hope you have a better week-end..

  8. Oh Rachel! Here's a hug for you! Sounds like you need it.

  9. Things have to get better! ((HUGS))

  10. ((hugs)) oh what a week...If I were you I'd almost wanted to crawl back in bed and try again next week.

    Next week will be better...I'm sure of it!

  11. Some days,er, weeks are like that, so sorry. Funny, my space bar is broken, it sticks, so I end upwith words all connected, or, a ton of spaces. It makes me a typing stutterer! :-}

  12. Funny, your blog corrected the spaces... not the words connected, though....

  13. Well Rachel, look at it this way, now you have a quilting frame!!!!! ahahahahaha

  14. Our patio table crashed last summer out of the blue. No wind, no umbrella. I had never seen that happen before. It's not fun to clean up and pick the bits out of the decking.


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