
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Small finishes

Last weekend, Mr. P and I went to Home Depot. He bought two new garbage cans (because someone actually stole ours from the back alley - can you imagine?) and I needed a length of dowel for the Black and White in Paris wallhanging I made for my friend Sandi. At the dowel display, Mr. P said to me, "Do you need more than one?" and I replied, "Why would I need more than one?" I took one piece and we went to the checkout to pay.


Do I need more than one piece of dowel? OF COURSE I needed more than one piece. I had totally forgotten about A Tisket a Tasket which... Ta Da!... I finished last night.

Can't hang it up yet though. No dowel. I guess another trip to Home Depot is in order before I can hang it up and take some photos.

I do, however, have a couple of smaller finishes to show you. I was in a creative mood this weekend, but didn't want to make a commitment to anything big (and time-consuming). Plus, before I start something new, I really must get the Checkerboard quilt basted, quilted and bound.

So, this is what I did to satisfy my creative urges and my desire to finish something:

I made a little zipper bag - not quite big enough to be a make-up bag, but a bit too big for a change purse. It is the perfect size for keeping some lip gloss and powder, or maybe jewellery when travelling. I used Sharon's A Tutorial like no other (she had 13 exclamation marks after the title), which I find easy to follow and easy to adapt to any size.


This afternoon, after my marking was done, I put together a notebook cover for the OnlyChild using a fat quarter of fabric we bought last year and didn't know what we would make with it. I love this fabric; I wish I'd bought a couple of metres of it because it would have made a cute skirt.

There are lots of good tutorials on making notebook covers, like this one or this one. I didn't actually follow any instructions, though. I just winged it and it turned out quite well. The only thing I would do differently, I think, is to make the cover a bit bigger, quilt it, and then cut it down to the correct size - rather than cutting it to the finished size right from the start.

I think I'll go and iron my Bonne Fleur dress and get the OnlyChild to take some photos of me so I can post them tomorrow. You'll have to wait a day or two for A Tisket a Tasket, though. I need to get a piece of dowel... Sigh.


  1. That bag is SO cute....will have to check out that tutorial. I'll be anxiously awaiting a photo of you in the new dress!

  2. Your little zippered purse is adorable. Yo-yos dress up a project so well. Gorgeous fat quarter and it looks fabulous as a journal cover. Thank you for the lovely comments on my blog! Ann :-)

  3. Your bag is too cute! I love the fabric selections. Happy yo-yo! The journal cover is neat, too.

  4. Creative and productive you were! That bag is so very cute - and thanks for the link to the tutorial - looks like even I could manage it. I also really like your notebook cover - very cute, and great fabric. Yay you! your ATAT is finished way to go! now just that piece of dowling and you'll have it hanging in no time. Have you decided how you are going to quilt your Checkerboard quilt yet? It's really stuning and I can't wait to see it all finished.

  5. Cute bag & book cover!
    Yeah on finishing up the quilt & wall hanging!!

  6. Well...I would love to see your Trisket basket hanging...

    Love the little pouch and cover...that cover is soooo cute.

  7. Your bag with the yoyo on it is so cute... and then the polka dots inside really make it! I love it! Love the journal cover also.

  8. I LOVE the little zipper bag. The colors are great. Never have too many little zipper bags!!!!

    I love everything you do. You keep busy doing such fun things.

    Have a fun day! Enjoy each moment.

  9. You were feeling creative this weekend! I like that notebook cover and agree that the fabric would be cute as a skirt. The little zippered bag is sweet.

  10. Very nice completed projects..and very useful too!


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