
Friday, April 09, 2010

Friday fill-ins

Sara regularly posts these Friday fill-ins on her blog. I always enjoy reading hers and today I was inspired to write my own. If you want to play along, click here.
  1. In 1992 I was a very new wife and I was awaiting the birth of my daughter.
  2. Every day should include some laughter and smiles.
  3. Do what you can do with what you have been given where you are at the moment.
  4. Paris is where I'd like to be - always. But I'd be happy to be back home on the east coast, too.
  5. The trees and flowers are telling me that they'd really appreciate the opportunity to bloom. Helloooo Spring - you can come out now!
  6. It's this darn Canadian winter that just keeps going on.
  7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing (I already had a little nap) and maybe doing some sewing, tomorrow my plans include having coffee with a friend, doing some work and helping the OnlyChild with a school assignment, and Sunday I want to finish the Paris in Springtime quilt for my friend Sandi. The deadline is Wednesday or Thursday (I'll have to check that).
I'm so glad it's Friday - and a weekend ahead without too much marking. Hurray! The weather stinks, with temperatures barely above freezing forecast for the next week, so there will be lots of indoor time and, hopefully, Bernice and I will have some quality time together. She's feeling a bit neglected and I'm feeling a bit creatively stilted.

And I really should get moving on the Tisket a Tasket quilt. I only have the borders left to quilt, but I'm almost out of the red thread I'm using so I'll have to make a trip to the fabric store soon.

No worries... my power snooze after work today has rejuvenated me and I'm ready to get things done! I hope to have progress to report by the end of the weekend.

What are YOU working on?


  1. Your basket quilt is looking so awesome

  2. I love your basket quilt, too. Enjoy spite of the cold weather. *sigh*

  3. love the basket quilt. really pretty.

  4. Your basket quilt looks great. I am working on putting the borders on a sampler quilt. You can see pics on my blog. I am a mom of an only child too, born in 1991. She is in her first year of University already!

  5. The Tisket a Tasket quilt is stunning and the colors used for sashing and borders are perfect. Great job!.

  6. Hi Rachel,
    I can't believe your weather...turn it into a positve. It keeps you inside where you can sew more. What am I working on?...Jodi's red and white quilt. Still missing some blocks from others, but I'm sewing anyway...looks so cute.
    Take care,

  7. LOVE your tasket quilt Rachel. And I too adore Paris!

    I am working on new window treatments for the shack--can't decide on details... trim, etc.

    Hormones and decision ability loss...lovely --just lovely:):)

    Have a great day!


  8. Your basket quilt is so pretty!!!
    Guess what we were 31F this AM!!!!!

  9. The basket quilt is so pretty! Youdid a great job on it.

    Snow, huh? That is the pits. It is sunny and bright today...

  10. It sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned -- I hope it's going according to plan!

    As for me, I'm working on getting this pig sty picked up a bit!


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