
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Oh seriously...

Spring? What Spring?

We're in the middle of a blizzard here. The temperature is 0 degrees celsius (32 F), the wind is blowing, and the world is once again white.

Maybe we'll have a 'snow day' tomorrow. haha. Never.

On the upside, we do need the moisture, since Alberta is already recording drought conditions.

Plus, since it's April, we know it won't stick around long.

But seriously... Snow? Now?


  1. We had it last week. Then is was 80F. Now it's 40F. My friend has declared the weather in Ohio bipolar.

  2. Aargh!!!! We have sunshine today but it is cool! We had storms yesterday. That's normal for the spring time, though. Here's wishing you some warm sunshiney days!!!!!

  3. If it makes you feel better, we had low 90's earlier in the week and today barely mid-50 with a cold rain. The only good thing about it is that it washed some of the pollen away. The sun is TRYING to peek out and we may be mid-60's on the weekend...which is normal for here in April. I hope your snow stops and is DONE for this year!

  4. Eh???? and yet in Hamilton, Ontario it was 28C the day before Easter...or so my mom said! Wow...wacky weather!


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