
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Pink things

The snow is pretty much all melted in our yard and it actually feels like Spring is here. This is much different from last year, when Winter seemed to stick around forever.

Mind you... this time last year, I was enjoying Spring weather in Europe.


Anywaaaay... I feel like celebrating the sunshine and (slightly) above-freezing temperatures with a bit of PINK (and Easter-y, Spring-y things).

Tulips in the front hall. Not pink, but very spring-y.

An Easter "tree" on the dining room table. I had this sitting on the coffee table in the living room and it looked sweet... for about three days, then Mr. P came home. Apparently it blocked his view of the television so he kept moving it around. When I found it balanced precariously on the edge of the table, I decided to move it into the dining room... for its safety and his.

Miss Clara Bunny. I made her a few years ago from a book called Beautiful Animal Dolls. Oh what a gorgeous book!

And finally, my pink sweater from Anthropologie. Gulp. I still feel guilty. I hope that will dissipate when I wear it out to supper tonight.

Today, Cheryl and I plan to work on our April ATCs - a little craft day. That is if I can get her out of bed. She's a night owl; I'm a morning person. I've been staying up waaaay too late!


  1. I'm glad you are having some spring weather. That sweater will look wonderful on you!

  2. Beautiful Sweater Rachel -- I'll bet it looks fabulous on! Spring seems earlier here this year too -- Yipee!

  3. Your pink sweater is so pretty. Looks like your house is ready for both Easter and spring. Hope you and Cheryl have fun making ATCs. Today I figured out what I am going to do ... we'll see if it works out.

  4. Happy you are having some nicer weather!!
    Cute lil tree too!!!
    I did not do much as we will not be hosting anything this time.
    Now I am loving that sweater!!!Sure it looks wonderful on you too. I have a cotton twin set in a mango pink I am wearing Sunday with white Easter bonnet though !!!!;-)

  5. Love the sweater. Happy Easter!


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