
Friday, April 02, 2010

An Unbelievable Mess

(Inspired by my inability to find something I was looking for this morning.)

Welcome to my 'sewing room'. It is such an unbelievable mess that I should be embarrassed to post these photos.

Look at all that stuff.

Fabric everywhere - in the dresser, on the ironing board, in baskets, in rubbermaid containers, on the floor... you get the picture.

And my computer, scrapbooking supplies, knitting supplies, sewing machine, serger, half-finished projects, other craft stuff.

I just can't stand it any longer.

I think some Spring Cleaning is in order, don't you?

The rest of my house (with the exception of the OnlyChild's basement abode) is clean and tidy. Some days things get a bit messy, but it's never allowed to get out of control.

But this sewing room... yikes!

My plan? I will remove everything from this room then put back neatly only what will fit. I will give away or throw away anything that is old, dirty, useless, or ugly.

When will I do this? Uh... I don't know. But I'll keep you posted.

(And I did eventually find what I was looking for. Messy yet organized. Ha!)


  1. Organized chaos is the best kind of mess. ; ) Happy Spring!

  2. Hip, hip hooray you're just like me. I think most of us are alike. It gets to a certain point and I straighten it a live with uslol out and start again. I don't have the luxury some of you have, I have my sewing room in the family room. I have a large house but my dtr and her 2 live with us. Katie is almost 10 and Brandon will be 14 in July. Each one has their own room. Hey we make do right?munteds

  3. Wow! That's an ambitious cleaning plan -- good luck -- I hope it goes well!!!

  4. Just make sure when you re-organize the room you remember where you put things! He-he...sometimes when I re-organize I am unable to find stuff. Anyway, have fun!

    Have a fun weekend.

  5. It looks like you sneaked into my sewing room and snapped a picture! Ten minutes in my room, and it takes four hours to clean it up.

  6. Ha ha ha.. I have all that "stuff" under my work table too..and if something i really NEED falls off the back==well I am NOT responsible for those blue words that may fill the air.
    Good luck with the cleaning and org!

  7. Oh and did I mention that I see lots of "useless, old fabric"? I can be a dear and let you send it to me.


  8. I know how you feel. I reorganized, threw away, and generally cleaned up my sewing space just a week or so ago. It's a little messy again, because I've been sewing! I need to clean out my fabric closet!!!

  9. Yes I can imagine it! That is what prompted my 'makeover'!!!! My trick that keeps me on track now(so far) is nothing on the new floor...keep my walking space free!!!
    Just take a small area at a time, that too will work.
    Great space you have too!

  10. Looks just like mine! I just move the piles from one place to another when I need the room.

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

  11. I think your room looks fun and stimulating. You're lucky to have a whole room for your creative projects. I use half of my bedroom, which is why I had to clean it up(I couldn't sleep in such a messy room), but if I had a craft room it would look like your's.

    Hope you have a happy Easter!

  12. I have said those very same things...I will empty this area and put back ONLY what will fit. Guess what??? There were some things I couldn't part with, so I crammed them back in anyway. I don't think "tidy" is conducive to "creative"....that's MY story and I'm sticking to it!!!

  13. Good luck with the sewing room, I love your space...and can truly understand because mine gets like that in a very fast way....

  14. My house is tidy apart from my study. It's a summer holiday project...

  15. I've been in the process of reorganizing my sewing room. My husband used it for storage and his guns. got him to move most of his stuff out and am now in the process of putting my stuff back in have been for a month, but worth it. Good luck to you.


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