
Thursday, April 29, 2010

What happened this week?

I haven't been around for a few days. So, what's been happening? you ask.

Well... it's been raining,

Picture from the Edmonton Journal.

which is good, because we needed rain. It will probably continue for the next few days.

I went to Home Depot on Monday and picked up a piece of dowel, but it took me until this afternoon to actually hang A Tisket a Tasket. I can't find the little bag of buttons and other embellishments I was collecting for it, so I had to hang it up without them. I'll add them when I find them, I guess.

I'm not ecstatic about the quilting job on this one. There's a reason I don't like straight-line quilting. I think it's because my lines are never straight.

But it fills the space nicely and matches my yo-yo tree. Ha! There was a method to my madness when I made that little accessory.

I started a yoga class (no pictures of me there because I can't bend and stretch and take a photo of myself).

Yoga is hard. Am I the only one who finds it really really difficult? It feels good, though. Especially at the end when we lie quietly, listening to soothing music, and the teacher covers us with blankets and puts lavender eye pillows on our eyes. Ahhhh...

I got a pedicure...

I received three spa gift certificates for my birthday so it's about time I used one of them.

And I met a "celebrity"...

...Member of Parliament and Opposition Critic for Youth and Multiculturalism Justin Trudeau. He's also the eldest son of the late former prime minister Pierre Trudeau. He came to speak at my school yesterday afternoon.

Yes, he's as charming as he is good looking. Plus he's wealthy, educated, intelligent, articulate... sigh... and married with two children. He had the girls (and women on staff) in a tizzy. It was fun.

And tonight, I'm off to dance class.


  1. Oh my, Justin Trudeau is handsome! Were you tongue-tied?

    Your toes look great. I have taken yoga classes in the past and found the ones offered at the gym to be hard. The yoga I like best is extremely gentle Kripalu Yoga. I know what you mean about that wonderful part at the end where you lay down and just enjoy how good your body feels.

  2. That is a wonderful picture of you with Justin. Oh, yes...I am on a first name bases with him. Hehe.

    Love the quilt. It is beautiful. Great colors. Great location for it.

    Yoga is great for the body. I do Pilates and LOVE IT. Feel so good during and after the class. I love the stretching!

    We are having rain, hail, wind and a dusting of snow in Grass Valley. My daughter who lives in Trucke in the Sierras Mountains has received 12 plus inches of snow! But, I do believe spring is just around the corner!

    Hugs to you...Dogwood

  3. Oh...your basket quilt is just out of this world....what a great hung it in the perfect place too.

  4. LOVE your tisket-a-tasket quilt....and how cute that the dogs were watching you take the picture! WOW....that Trudeau chap is really good-looking!!!

  5. Did you get the pedicure specifically for Justin LOL? I'll bet he DID have the ladies in a tizzy -- he's looking pretty hot! Your quilt looks great there -- and fun with the yoyo tree!

  6. Tisket Tasket looks AWESOME! Maybe one of these days I will finish my own! Never done yoga so I can't comment. I'm afraid I would hit the floor and never get up again. LOL!

  7. Your baskets look great! I have only finished 3 blocks. The rest are "on the list."

  8. Great photo of you...and he is handsome!

    I'm terrible at Yoga - I, too, find it very hard and, I just don't do it anymore. I walk...

    The quilt turned out beautiful!!!

  9. How cool that you met a Trudeau! Looks like he has his father's charm!!

    My DD1 loves yoga and has had me attempt it with her a few times. I must admit it makes me quite euphoric and I get a serious case of the giggles...not quite the serene quiet that is suppose to happen! LOL

  10. I LOVE your quilt. It turned out so cute. Now I wish I would have kept up with that.
    Ohhh wow Justin is a looker isnt he?? And might I say you are a cutie!!

  11. Your Tisket Tasket quilt looks fabulous. Makes me wish I had kept going with it. Love your yo-yo tree! Ann :-)


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