
Monday, April 26, 2010

Go ahead and laugh

I wanted to title this post "La Bonne Fleur" or something else pretty, and have it look all ladylike and sweet (and in the process give you a totally false impression of who I am...), but when you see the photo below, you will laugh.

And that's okay.

This is my Bonne Fleur dress. Nice, right? I like it.

What I'm not quite so fond of is the fact that my bra is showing in this picture... and in all the other dress photos taken by the OnlyChild yesterday.

I can't believe she didn't notice that when she was snapping pictures.

Oh well, in addition to the bra showing, my smile is "smooshy" and goofy, I have no make-up on (hey, it was Sunday afternoon), my hair had just been pulled out of a ponytail for the photo, and my legs needed to be shaved and probably my armpits too (but you can't see them so...).

I just really wanted you to see the dress.

And now you have.


  1. The dress looks great on you, love the color print. When is GraduaTION?

  2. The dress is very pretty! And I like your lack of artificiality.

  3. It looks fabulous! Love that fabric,that was a great pick for the dress! Sharonj.

  4. Nice dress. I like it on you. Great color. Very flattering and down to earth. It is a hit and so are you...

  5. The dress is very pretty......gotta love daughters. Now...if SHE was the one being photographed and YOU didn't notice her bra strap showing, she'd carry on and on about it and rant and rave at you!!! LOL You did a great job making the dress....that much we can tell.

  6. Hey Rachel,
    Your dress is wonderful! and so are you!
    Deb :)

  7. I must admit I did think Oh! the bra. However when you wer it out I am sure it will be a stunner. I scrolled back and saw the material laid out and the dress is a credit to your expertise. Loved the bag with yo yos.

  8. It's beautiful Rachel, you did a great job! Love that fabric, and it's perfect in that pattern. I had to laugh when I read through your post - sounds like me when I go shopping and decide to try dresses on - the real me, not the dress up me!

  9. YOu look wonderful....just as cute as can be....

  10. Love the dress, and the happy smile you are wearing! You look Maa-velous!

  11. Just remember that the super models need a lot of photoshopping and a ton of cleverly applied make to look like they do in magazines. It's a lovely dress - pretty fabric too. Ann :-)

  12. You. Look. Mahvelous!!!! It's awesome Rachel -- it turned out great. And I have the perfect solution for the flashy bra -- make a new bra out of the same fabric! ;-)

  13. Great dress! How awesome to be able to make your own clothes. Your hair is long!

  14. Lovely! I love it! Great job!! And I like Anna's idea of the matching bra. LOL!

  15. Cute dress.Aren't bra straps suppose to show ? That's how most of the kids around here wear their shirts/dresses.


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