
Friday, April 16, 2010

Where all the cool chicks will be tonight

In their sewing rooms of course...

for the Friday Night Sew-in.

Should I work on
  • A Tisket a Tasket? I have only the outer borders to quilt then the binding to sew on.
  • Fix Mr. P's jacket that has ripped under the arms? That doesn't sound very exciting.
  • Start my new dress? Hmmm... maybe.
  • Or do something entirely new? Naughty naughty.
I know what I should do first... go to the gym. Or at least take one of the dogs for a walk. It's a beautiful evening and the weekend promises to be sunny and warm.

I already cleaned (well, the downstairs anyway... cleaning the upstairs involves lugging the vacuum cleaner, scrubbing the bathroom, and changing bedsheets... it can wait).

Ahhh... Friday afternoon... the possibilities are endless...

What are YOU doing this weekend?


  1. Going to a yard sale in the morning...first one in months (since I've had endless Saturday a.m. conflicts). Then.....a choral society concert of Broadway show tunes in the evening. Sunday morning is church and in the evening, a birthday dinner for my hubby at a friend's house. (We rotate to the different houses and do b'day dinners...even though they usually are not done near the birthday date at all.....this one is only 2 weeks late, so that's pretty good! LOL)

  2. Hope you're enjoying the sew-in. Nice to hear you are finally getting some warm weather. I vote for being naughty and starting something new.

    I received your ATC yesterday. Thank you! It's so different, I never would have thought to use netting. The yo-yo is cute-cute.

  3. Surely not the repair job! Boo! Hiss! I'd rather make a new jacket than do a repair job. ;)

  4. Tomorrow am is the Opening Day and parade for Little League. Katie is 9 and moved up from instructional to a reg team. She is so excited. Brandon is 13 and has been picked on a n ew team. He has a problem with his big toe, it was ingrown, got infected, went to ER to have it lanced, took antibodics and its infected still--again--??? He went to Dr today, he is sending him to a podiatrist, he will probably need surgery on it. So we start the LL season and the crazy dinners and nites, at least till end of June

  5. It looks like it'll be really nice outside, so I'm hoping to get some outdoorsey stuff done! Hit some decent yard sales this morning, and may work on the projects I've aquired. No sewing planned for me!

  6. Definitely the new dress! I hope you're getting a lot done! I'm sitting here debating whether I should go clean our bedroom and bathroom. It's 11:26 p.m., but I think I'd rather do it now than tomorrow when it could be sunny outside!

  7. I have a friend here in Texas that I have had since High School, and we are going to hang.....what fun?

  8. New dress! Is that what you worked on?? I sewed some yesterday but I didn't officially sign up for the Friday Night Sew In. Am I still a cool chick??? LOL!


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