
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My next project

So... yesterday I realized that in a month, the OnlyChild will be graduating from high school. We (she attends school where I teach) hold the commencement and banquet in May so students can get it all over with before having to write provincial exams in June.

One Month! Yikes!

Good news and bad news on that front. The good news? I will not be required to make her a grad dress after all. Phew. At one point, it looked like I would be spending the month of April sweating over some princess gown, but she found a lovely dress for a not-too-bad price so I'm off the hook. The bad news? Well, now I have a month to lose that last 10 lbs that's been clinging to me (primarily around my belly) so that I can fit into my dress for the Friday night banquet. Sigh.

For Thursday night's commencement, I have decided to make a dress.

This is the pattern - the middle one on the right. I've had it forever - well, at least since I taught sewing in junior high, so about 4 or 5 years. It's probably desperately out of style by now, but that's never bothered me. We'll call it "retro chic".

This is the fabric - Rouenneries Faded Red Bonne Fleur by French General. I didn't buy it to make a dress, but I like it so much AND I have enough. I figure with a bit of dark brown ribbon trim, it will do perfectly.

Last year, I made my skirt for commencement, too. Remember the Très Chic Skirt with the net underskirt? Come to think of it, I made the dress I wore to Friday night's festivities too. Haute couture, indeed.

Anyway, once I mentioned to the OnlyChild that I would be making a dress for me, she decided she needs a dress for Thursday night, too. I don't know why - it will be covered by the gaudy blue nylon grad gown she has to wear, with the stylish square cap to match.

How long can I hold her off, I wonder...

And, Oh My Goodness! My child is graduating from high school. Gulp!


  1. I'm sure you can do her outfit, too, with no problem at all because you do a beautiful job sewing clothing!

  2. Congratulations, mine will be graduating in June. I'll be doing the happy dance when that day comes.

  3. I totally know the feeling! We have three daughters. It didn't get easier as each one graduated.

  4. I like the pattern you chose, it will look lovely made up in that fabric, too. I suspect you will have no problem whipping up both your dres and an outfit for your daughter - I think its sweet that she asked you to!
    (I got out of making the grad dress 4 years ago 'cause she found the perfect one on sale. Now she's hinting at a wedding dress eeek!)

  5. I like the pattern you chose, it will look lovely made up in that fabric, too. I suspect you will have no problem whipping up both your dres and an outfit for your daughter - I think its sweet that she asked you to!
    (I got out of making the grad dress 4 years ago 'cause she found the perfect one on sale. Now she's hinting at a wedding dress eeek!)

  6. Congratulations to both of you! Such exciting times. Enjoy as it passes much too quickly

  7. You can do it!! It will be stunning!!

  8. You better get crackin' Missy! Looks like lots of fun sewing for you this month -- have fun!

  9. Congratulations! A huge milestone for the both of you! I can't wait to see you dress (and OnlyChild's too) because I know you're going to make her one! :)

  10. I am such a sap, I got all teary at the thought of your daughter graduating...and she is not even mine...can you only imagine how ssappy I was at my own? My last son opted to not go to his graduation (it was in Samoa, only 3 graduating) and so that was easy or I would have cried all night...I know....just a sap!! Love your fabric choice, will go great with your hair and skin will look soooooooooooooo Chic....

  11. Oh...forgot to say, tell your daughter that you will make her a matching dress just like yours...HA!!!! She will definitely say no then...

  12. Love that dress!!! Those last few pounds are the worst to lose. Good luck with that. lol Ride that bike of yours!!!
    Congrats to your daughter. Feels strange doesn't it??

  13. Hallo, Sweden here....

    I must tell you, that I love your virtual & image blog!! Amazing mix of pic's & so much inspiration!

    Regards from Agneta

  14. She'll be graduating from college before you know where you are...


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