
Friday, May 21, 2010

Blogger's Quilt Festival

This is my contribution to the Blogger's Quilt Festival, hosted by Amy. It's an Irish Chain quilt I made for my friend Caroline's second daughter. I love this quilt - the colours are so vibrant and fun - but I didn't love quilting it. I did all straight-line quilting and didn't enjoy the process at all. I read every hint and tip I could find, started quilting from the middle out, used my walking foot - you name it, I did it - and still there were a few little tucks and puckers. I found the quilting part monotonous, which is probably why I tend to stay away from that now and seem to always fall back on stippling.

It was a learning process, that's for sure.

I would make another Irish Chain quilt because I do love geometric patterns. I think, though, I'd be a bit more adventurous in the quilting process next time.

Head over to Amy's Creative Side and see the other quilts in the Blogger's Quilt Festival! You will be inspired.

In other news, you may have noticed that my posts have been sporadic lately. I'm trying to get back into a routine and had nearly caught up on marking until I assigned an essay to my grade 12 social studies class last week, so marking those is on my to-do list this weekend. Plus, I started another master's course and I'm behind on the readings already. There has been very little sewing going on, except for a lavender eye pillow which took me all of 15 minutes to make. Oh, and I did knit another "feather and fan" scarf over the past couple of weeks. I don't know when I'll get back to the sewing machine - I'm really thinking I need to clean out my sewing room in the near future and maybe that will get me inspired.

So, this weekend will be full of marking, reading, writing for my course, laundry and cleaning (the usual) and, if the weather cooperates, some yard work. But probably no sewing, unfortunately. I really wish I had something exciting and inspiring to share. 

What do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. Love your quilt too...and I feel guilty saying I'm hoping to sew this weekend...but won't school be over for you soon...we only have two weeks left!

  2. That quilt is beautiful. I don't know how you do all you do!!! Those colors are so pretty together. I love fabric stores. I can get lost in the beauty and hours later realize I have not decided on fabrics yet. So much fun.

    I bet I know what you are doing for this month's ATC. Could it be PARIS??? How long will you be there this summer?

    Have a fun weekend. Dogwood

  3. Your quilt is very nice! I have some typing to do for my job tomorrow morning and then will hope to read a lot of the book I started a few days well as finish the hand-sewing on a project I want to show the gals at our neighborhood group on Monday.

  4. oh la la, i love that far my weekend plans are for tomorrow, i'm getting some new ink...oh yeah, and not for printer either...haha

  5. Lovely Irish Chain quilt. The colors are HaPpY! Thanks for sharing. : )

    Best of luck with your marking. Make some time to stitch, it's TOO importatn not to!

    I have to LOVE my husband. He always says, "I'm pretty sure NO one ever dies thinking, I should have done more cleaning!"

  6. I love old fashioned patterns!


  7. Thank you for sharing this beautiful quilt!
    Oh, plans? uhh well, visit over 300 quilts and counting!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Valentina from Cyprus

  8. lovely quilt! I always wanted to an Irish Chain Quilt, they are so gorgeous.
    plans for the weekend? down at our lake house with my family in a small village at Lake Balaton. the Season starts this weekend here, so there will be plenty of fun for small and big, and my husband will partake in the cooking. in the meanwhile I'll be trying to partake in the BQF, but please don't tell him where I am when he's looking for me :-)

  9. Great the pattern and your colors are fantastic!

  10. Irish chain a great traditional pattern! I love your color choices

  11. I love the Irish Chain quilt! This has always been one of my favorite patterns, but I've never made one.

    As far as my plans for the weekend, I had a lot of things planned until I wound up in the middle of the Blogger's Quilt Festival! This is too much fun!

  12. Oh wow, that is a lot of squares! Very pretty result. I really have to do a nice traditional geometric pattern sometime too. My problem is I always want to use about 25 different fabrics per quilt, but you certainly prove here that you don't have to.

  13. I love the Irish Chain pattern. Would love to do one someday.

    I used to teach 12 grade government...definitely don't miss grading all those papers!! :)

  14. What a pretty quilt! I haven't tried an Irish Chain yet. YET!

    Weekend plans - it's a long weekend here in Canada so I'm just hanging with my husband and our daughter. Will possibly visit the LQS - can't let a sale go by without checking it out!

  15. Irish Chain quilts are one of my the colors in this one.

  16. What a beautiful quilt, Rachel! The colours remind me of summer flowers - lovely!

  17. I love Irish Chain quilts and the colors of yours really work well!

  18. what a lovely quilt, Rachel! The colors are so pretty.

  19. Chain quilts are fast becoming a favorite of mine and this one adds to the love. Grreat job

  20. Irish chain is one of my all time favorite old patterns, but I love the fresh colors you used! Enjoying the process is hard when there are parts you don't like, for sure. Thanks for sharing your quilt's story :)

  21. What a fresh update of the traditional double Irish Chain- it sings spring.
    Come see my antique quilt entries

  22. I have a very similar Irish Chain. Aren't they great. Yours is a wonderful example. I used a yellow floral with pink chains.


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