
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A bird on the ledge is worth...?

There is a little bird family that lives on the ledge outside my office window. They're building a nest in a crevice in the wall and have been flying back and forth all day with twigs and leaves to furnish their home.

They are very entertaining to watch. I wonder if they're expecting...

Could this be why I'm getting so far behind in my marking?


  1. Oh, how fun. I wish that would happen outside the window where I work. Can you tell what kind of birds they are?

  2. Bird hamilies are so fun to watch. I had a dove nest on a wreath on my front door one year right in front of a window. Was just amazing watching them. Mesmerizing really. I can see how you're getting behind!

    xo - Erin

  3. Hummmmmm can't answer that but they are entertaining.

  4. There antics must be a pleasant distraction to an otherwise humdrum task. Ann :-)

  5. Nature at its finest. The Franklin Institute/ Hawk is a live web cam of a nest with 3 babies, We are watching it day by day. Its a beautiful sight, right outside a window like yours. Try to get it, you will enjoy it

  6. I'm sure they are. Good distraction when needed. :)

  7. This puts a whole new spin on spring fever... or are you like me and anything can easily distract you from grading?

  8. I am jealous! That is so sweet. I would not get anything done because all I would want to do is watch them create their little nest/home.

    Have a fun day. Hugs, Cory


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