
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Quick post and picture

I'm hoping to return to normalcy (whatever that actually means) soon. The craziness of grad is now over (POOF! - all that planning and then it's done!) but school hasn't slowed down one bit. Someday (soon, I hope) I'll catch up on all that marking and get up-to-date on the readings and postings for the master's course I'm taking. Someday.

Anyway, a quick photo of the OnlyChild so you can see her headpiece.

She looked beautiful. All the girls did. I have tons of photos (mostly stolen from the OnlyChild's friends on Facebook), but I'll have to organize them and take a better look before I post any more. Plus, we had professional photos taken the night of the banquet and I'll get them in a week or so.

It was a good time, but I can't say I'm sorry it's done. Whew.

Until next time...


  1. She looks totally beautiful and soooooooooooooo happy!

  2. The OnlyChild does look beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more pics. Glad to hear the craziness is over ...

  3. Congratulations to Only Child and You too.

  4. How pretty she looks!!! I'm glad it went well.

  5. it is really cute and so is she!

  6. Congratulations! What a smile! Here's to hoping you have some time to relax soon!

  7. Oh my.. a grad already!!
    She is lighting up the world with that million $$ smile!!
    Best wishes to her in her next level of too Mom!!

  8. Great. Darling. Beautiful. Love the fabulous hair decoration for OnlyChild who by the way is so pretty.

    Have fun, fun days.

  9. It looks so pretty! I LOVE It! I wish that I could only pull mine off as well as she has! It's stunning! Good work!!!

  10. Rachel, congrats on your graduate!!! She looks adorable. Love the headpiece.

    We moms of only children can do this. Yes we can. Ugh.


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