
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dropped off the face of the earth...?

Noooo... of course not.

I thought I'd better pop in and say hello lest you think I've disappeared for good.

I've marked over 200 essays in the past 3 days and have 2 more days of work to go, marking government exams for social studies.

Can you say, "brain dead?" I mean me, not the kids who wrote the essays (although some of them... well, I just won't go there).

Yep, two more days of this, a short (hopefully) staff meeting on Wednesday, and then FREEEEEEEDOM! Summer Vacation!

I've been having fun, though. Met up with a few friends I haven't seen since the last marking stint in January and a couple more I haven't seen for a few years. Teacher networking at its best.

As you can see from the list on my sidebar, sewing (and particularly completion of projects) is at a standstill. There's a good chance it will stay that way until September because...

in a week I will be off to ITALY for 10 days!

a week home then...

off to FRANCE for a month!

If I seem to be bragging, forgive me. I'm just so freakin' excited!

Okay, no picture tonight - sorry about that. Did you really want to see a photo of all those essays???

Hopin' I'll be back in a day or so with much more interesting things to say. No guarantee, but there is Canada Day on the horizon so maybe.

And... I reached my 300th post a few days ago. Must plan some kind of celebration for that.


Time for bed. Early day tomorrow - day 4 of that marking gig!

'Night friends!


  1. That is just toooooooooooooooooooo exciting. I look forward to the pictures and you sharing your experience with us. Enjoyed those last summer....and heaven knows you deserve a break!

  2. sure are using up the marking pens in quantity these days!!! I think all of us are excited for your trips so we can travel vicariously through you!!!

  3. Dreaded marking soon will be over!
    I am excited for you and a wee bit jealous!!
    Hope you share some of your fun travels with us!!

  4. All that work will be worth it when you're basking in the European sunlight. And wow -- you're coming home between the trips -- what a lucky girl!!!

  5. I am soooo excited AND soooo jealous too!!! You will have a fantastic time! Enjoy your break. You really do deserve it!

  6. I think I am as excited as you are about you going to France...And, for a month!!!

    WOW!!! You are taking your laptop - right? I want to see it all -

  7. Reading 200+ essays would have me comatose! Congrats on getting them done and staying awake!!

    Sounds like you have a few exciting trips planned! Yeah for summer time!

  8. So glad that there is light at the end of that tunnel. I guess there is pay back for all your hard work! Looking forward to all your stories and pictures of your European vacation!

  9. Congrats on your 300th post my dear. I know you have been working hard but just think about your holiday coming exciting!

  10. I am always amazed at all the papers you good to know that there are still teachers that do this! Have a wonderful time in France!

  11. The end of drudgery is here-hooray!! I know you'll be thinking of us on your trip (not!) Enjoy your happy days ahead! pokey

  12. 300 posts, wow! Congrats! Have an awesome summer ... those sound like super destinations!!!

  13. I am so happy that you get to go to Italy and France. You are going to have a wonderful summer of traveling.



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