
Thursday, July 01, 2010

What's on your mind?

When I log on to Facebook, it always asks me what's on my mind. Today, rather sarcastically, I replied, "None of your business, Facebook!" But the truth is, I do have a lot on my mind - some positive, some negative, and some disturbing. I have my stomach in a knot over something that could either be a great opportunity or a huge disaster, depending on how it comes out in the end.

However, since it is the first official day of summer vacation, it's Canada Day, and the school year ended very well yesterday, I'm trying to relax a little and spend some time in the porch with the dogs and my new iPad.

Yes, I did just say iPad.

At our last staff meeting of the year, fifty-two teachers at my school received one of these beauties to play with over the summer. It's part of a pilot project to integrate the technology into programming at my school. We are the only school in Western Canada to do this - and I think it will work very welll with the kind of program in which I teach. (Plus, it's so much fun!)

Lucille (my laptop) may find herself somewhat neglected throughout the summer as I am considering taking the iPad (I need to find a name for it) with me to Italy and France. It weighs a heck of a lot less than Lucille does. The only problem is, I don't have a "camera connection kit" that will allow me to upload photos to my blog(s) - plural because I have another blog for the Italy trip so parents can see/hear what we're doing for those 10 days. I have looked everywhere for one of these gadgets, but they are backordered 4-6 weeks in North America.

Hmmm... should I take the chance that I might be able to pick one up in Italy?

It wouldn't actually be a tragedy if I didn't post Italy pics, since we're only gone for a few days. But if I can't get the gadget before I go to France, I will definitely have to pack two-ton Lucille along because I'll have lots to share for the month.

Decisions, decisions...

Anyway, I'd like to wish all my Canadian friends a very Happy Canada Day! Bonne FĂȘte du Canada! It's cold and windy here - perfect for avoiding large crowds, small children, and traffic jams in the city in favour of staying home and doing... nothing.

Oops, wrong picture. Once a Brit, always a Brit?

I really do love my adopted country.

Have a wonderful holiday!


  1. Happy Canada Day to you too! I wished it to my work colleagues and they all thought I was nuts! :o)

  2. Very cute photo...I thought...what the ....then saw the cute Canada Day ...yes, but a cold one here at the cottage.
    tomorrow we are to get summer weather...wahoo.
    I'm not even going to the fireworks....too cold!

  3. Happy happy Canada day! Will you be enjoying a parade and a picnic too? Do enJOY!
    Just found your lovely blog. xx

  4. Happy Canada Day! What a nice gadget to play with all summer long. Fingers crossed that you can find the camera connection kit in Italy!

  5. Happy Canada Day!!!!

    Have fun playing with your ipad....and in Italy....and whole summer vacation...

  6. Happy Canada Day!!!
    Is that like the 4th of July here??
    I'm clueless about the ipod thingy...however I hope you do take lots of photos and share them with us!
    Deb :)

  7. Happy Canada Day!!
    Try for your gadget.
    Have fun with your ipad!!

  8. Happy Belated Canada Day Rachel! How fun to be planning your trips AND playing with an iPad! And good luck with your big decision project!

  9. Happy Canada Day to our neighbors to the north! Best of luck making your decision about whatever it is you are struggling with. Have a great trip to Italy. So jealous!

  10. I like your new banner! Those iPads look fun. I'm not a gadget kind of person, but they look good even to me. I like that you can download and read books on it.

    You must be excited about leaving for Italy. How many more days? Hope you have a good weekend.

  11. Happy Canada Day to you...

    And, I noticed a big change in your blog - love, love the new header!!!


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