
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Beaucoup de bicyclettes!

More adventures for us...

Last night we did a bit of wandering along the Seine. We stopped at the Tuileries Gardens

We checked out the Louvre (just the outside for now; we'll go in it another day).

Sandi got her first crepe of the trip (and she got her second tonight).

Today, we left the apartment quite early, despite my sleepless night (were you with me on Facebook during the wee hours of the morning when I couldn't fall asleep?). Our street was very noisy and busy last night, but I don't think that was what kept me awake. In any case, this is how quiet it was this morning when we left at 8:30:

We started out at the D'Orsay Museum. We got there before it opened so we didn't have to wait in line too long.

Unfortunately, it is prohibited to take photos inside the museum so we'll have to make do with this picture as evidence I was actually there. I love love love art museums. The last time I was in Paris, we visited the Louvre but I had to be content with staring longingly out the window of the bus while we drove past the D'Orsay. It was wonderful to go and spend a few hours there today!

After our museum visit, we decided to check out the last leg of the Tour de France. Why not, eh? We might never get another chance. We waited for two hours then

a parade of "floats" from the sponsors of the race.

We waited another hour or more and then

Beaucoup de bicyclettes!

They went by eight times and were so close we probably (maybe) could have touched them. Wow - it was pretty amazing!

Wanna see?

I took this video the second time they passed us. At one point, it actually looks like they're all going backwards - un trompe l'oeil!

Tonight and tomorrow? I'm not quite sure what they will hold. Stay tuned...


  1. Oh...I really AM enjoying the trip to Paris along with you!!! Thanks for posting these things for us. (And yes...I was awake when you were posting on FB in the middle of the night!!! Of course, for me it wasn't that late, so I had no real trouble keeping up with you then...LOL)

  2. OMG...I thought it was my computer, but they do look like they are biking backwards... I had to watch twice...

  3. Dh and I have been watching the tour every night. It's amazing how the people are in the roads and the outfits they are wearing!!

  4. Just wonderful ....thanks for sharing. What beautiful pictures...keep them coming.

  5. ooh I love the Tour been a fan for years. I love art museums too! Hope you'll be able to get a better night's sleep tonight.

  6. Your trip looks so fun, and it's only the first week. I love art museums, too. And crepes! Especially with Nutella. There is something so enticing about that narrow street. I will have to tell me sister you saw the last leg of the Tour de France, she is really in to it.

  7. Wow! The Tour de France -- what excitement. Love the video. Looks like you're having a fantastic time!!!

  8. I'm afraid of heights, but if that Ferris Wheel is functioning, I'd have gone up on it, just to see the city !splayed out below me. Great photos! So glad I get to go along on this trip with you

  9. You're jumping that Atlantic like it's a pond! LOL

    Hope you have a fabulous time...that video is cool..very strange effect indeed!


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