
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Out my window

Nous sommes arrivées à Paris!

Yes, we're here. We have checked in to the apartment (the one without hot water) and have another place around the corner that does have hot water. We have keys to both and can come and go between them as we please for the next 3-4 days, until the hot water heater is fixed. Not a bad compromise, although we do like our original apartment better.
I thought I would quickly show you what I see outside my window:

Are you dizzy from looking down? We are on the top floor of the building (fifth floor, I think - a helluva lot of stairs, in any case).

The street below is lively and busy... and extremely narrow. We would call this an alley in North America.

There's a church visible over the rooftops. I'm not sure what it is yet, but I will be doing some exploring! We're near Notre Dame Cathedral; however, it's not this close... I don't think...

And a quick sideways pic out the window - see how narrow it is, how close the buildings are to each other? We are in the heart of the Latin Quarter!

My travelling companion, Sandi, is taking a little catnap right now. I don't think she meant to fall asleep but she obviously needs it. I don't mind - I'm feeling a bit woozy myself. Perhaps from the long flights... or perhaps from lugging a 50lb suitcase up all those tiny, narrow, uneven flights of stairs.


  1. Love the old world look of it all!
    Those ally/streets must be hard to maneuver for taxis!
    Nap too!

  2. OOOOOO...what fun!!! And I"m glad they were fair to you about the lodging. I'll look forward to many fun photos of places I'll never get to see! (Who will do your cooking for you with Mr. P not along for the trip? LOL I hope Sandi likes to cook...or else you have a lot of reasonably-priced restaurants nearby!!!)

  3. Love it! Reminds me of Poland. So old world and awesome. Have a great time!!

  4. Hi Rachel,
    You are a little world traveler!! How exciting and AWESOME for you!
    Rec'd the butterfly ATC and adore it! Thank you!
    deb :)

  5. Looks like a wonderful place to explore. I am looking forward to reading more about your adventures. Gail

  6. Oh make me want to come and play too...

  7. I love those narrow streets. Glad to see you arrived safely! That was nice they gave you a second apartment with hot water ;o) You must be so eager to get out and start exploring.

  8. How exciting to share this adventure with you (vicariously, of course!). Keep the photos coming, and have a wonderful time!

  9. Thinking about you! You are going to have so much fun! Enjoy.

  10. Ooooh, you lucky, lucky girl. it looks fantastic. And think how fit you'll be when you come home after climbing all of those steps everyday!

  11. Looks like the start to a very intriguing vacation! Looking forward to more pics.


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