
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Finally... a finish!

I started my Halloween Cat wall hanging late Saturday afternoon and finished sewing on the binding Sunday night while watching Mad Men (on t.v. this time rather than on the internet). Finally... a finish!

I didn't hang it up in the front entry until tonight. I faced a bit of trepidation about punching yet another hole in the wall. But I overcame and now it greets all who enter the house with a big smile-less cat.

Smileless? Yes, I forgot to embroider the cat's mouth before I started quilting. I guess I could go back and stitch through all the layers... but I probably won't.

Welcome, Fall (I think). It's been beautiful here - for the most part - over the past week.

I hope it stays warm and Autumn-like for a while. Winter is such a long season here... no need for an early arrival this year.

(Are you listening, Mother Nature?)


  1. Kitty looks good grin-less and all.

  2. I think the wall-hanging looks great and I didn't notice the cat had no mouth until you mentioned it.....LOL

  3. cute wall hanging! Great fall pictures - I love the yellow leaves against that beautiful blue sky - I hope it lasts, too!

  4. Those last two pictures are breath taking! I wish the trees would be that colourful here!

  5. Just love your wall hanging and the pictures you have taken...oh wow...I don't think I have seen a prettier array of fall colors in on beautiful

  6. I didn't notice the cat's mouth either. Love those trees, ours don't look like that yet.

  7. The purple background is perfect! Your wall hanging looks great. Our trees have not really started to change colour yet--it will be colder at night this weekend so that should spur them on.

  8. Kitty looks great even without a smile. I love your Fall pictures. I hope that Old Man Winter stays away from you for a while so that you can enjoy some Autumn. Our trees are just turning here but most are still green. We have high winds forecasted for today. The leaves will probably be on the ground before they have a chance to turn anyway.

  9. Wow -- your trees are already turning -- I'm guessing ours won't be far behind, especially as we have a frost warning for this weekend. Love your cute little wall hanging and congrats on overcoming the hole-punching fear LOL!

  10. Love the wall-hanging, I didn't notice the mouthlessness of the cat either.
    Our leaves are all turning - typical Maritime Autumn. Beautiful colours of reds, oranges, yellows and browns, with the fir trees mixed in. It really is a beautiful time of the year. xox

  11. Your neighborhood looks gorgeous draped in fall colors. We aren't seeing that here yet. Love your smile-less black kitty! And I like the bird perched on his tail.

  12. Very cute cat, I like the purple dotty sky and the collection of leaves, too! It's a happy one for fall! Your street is so welcoming. I miss the beautiful maple trees that lined our old neighborhood.


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