
Saturday, October 02, 2010

Home decor

For some reason, I'm in the mood to decorate for Autumn and Halloween this year. It started with that wall hanging and moved on to more yo-yos for the front hall table, this time in Fall colours.

I found the metal tree in the basement - a leftover from a years-ago Halloween party. It had candle holders attached to it, which I removed. Then, after a good scrub with a toothbrush, it was ready to be decked out.

I don't know what it is with those yo-yos... I love them!

Remember the corks from all that wine Sandi and I drank while in Paris? Here they are in a nice vase on the dining room table. I haven't thought of anything more creative to do with them, but I like this arrangement.

This is actually the second vase in which they've been displayed. The Wild Things (or one of them at least) knocked the other one off the table and it smashed to bits. I wish those dogs would stay off the table. They can find sunbeams on the floor too.

Don't let that innocent look fool you. Abby is every bit as devious as Derby, and she's more agile.

We've been having glorious weather here. Today's temperature has reached about 24 degrees Celsius (which is about 75 Fahrenheit) - definitely above average for this time of year. But a big gust of wind blew most of the leaves off the trees.

Now we have some raking to do.

Not yet, though. I love the sound of leaves crunching under my feet!


  1. i love your little yo-yo tree. very sweet and so fallish and festive. well, i just know you will think up something fun to do with the traveling corks. have a fun weekend.

  2. Cute little yo-yo tree. I just saw a blog recently that showed an orchid being raised in a pot that had lots of wine corks in it...not sure why or what was under the corks but it looked cute!

  3. The yo-yo tree is great. How funny that your dogs get up on the table. (Well, not so funny when they knock stuff off and break it.) Your neighborhood looks so pretty, but it's a little strange to see so many leaves on the ground-- it won't look like that around here until November, I think. Hope you enjoy the nice autumn weather.

  4. I love yo yo's too.....I need to get back to making them now that I'm done with that Apple Festival.

  5. Those yo-yos are just great! I love fall decorating too Rachel!


  6. Love your tree!! Saw a wreath once made from corks. Also trivets or frame a menu board or pic frame. The street shots look wonderful. So far we have nothing that looks like that. With all the rain we received things are popping out GREEN again!
    Your pups are such cuties!

  7. Hi Rachel,
    I just put up a few Halloween decor today...and now reading blogs and thinking about the theme for this month's ATC!
    Have FUN racking!! We have LOTS of leaves too.
    deb :)

  8. cute yo-yo tree! You are going to be very festive looking for the upcoming holidays. Me? not so much.

  9. Very cute Rachel! I can't believe your leaves are almost all gone -- ours are just starting to turn. I'm not ready for winter yet!


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