
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

I want to be...

Sewing... and quilting... and making ATCs...
and making Christmas (shhh I said the C-word) presents... and writing...
oh, and I have a new course for my master's degree

Yep, I wanna...
but I can't do a thing until
I clean up my sewing room
What. A. Mess

School started this week
Monday and Tuesday - teacher days
Today - first day with students

So far... awesome
but it's going to get busy, I know it is

So, I'd better clean up that room and
sew while the sun shines
before the shadow of all that marking (oops, I said the M-word) looms over me


  1. Wow -- the m-word and the c-word in the same post -- you're just swearing up a storm! Good luck with the clean up!

  2. Hi Rachel,
    Each day comes and goes and what I have done??? I need to get working on the ATC, love the theme and have a few house projects that must be done before I have a girlfriend weekend in October..
    I see a new banner :)

  3. Well warm here or no Summer is OVER when Rachel begins using the M word!!!! I hope things stay slow for a while so you can do a few fun things in your cleaned up room!!


  4. Oh, I hope you can get some fun sewing/creating time in before the big M shows up!

  5. sorry. i know work really interfers with life. but, i know you are a great teacher and offer lots to those kids.

    enjoy your day...


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