
Sunday, September 05, 2010

Mi manchi / Je vous manque

Summer is over.

Not in any "official" way - the calendar tells me Autumn won't arrive until September 23. But I don't believe it.

We've put away the blow-up pool, removed the air conditioner from the bedroom, and calked the windows in the porch.

And today, out the window, I saw this:

The leaves are turning colour already.

And it's cold outside.

Oh, this makes me miss the summer. And Italy. And France.

I was looking through my photos and my blog entries today and remembering the fun I had in both countries and all the things I was able to see.

I am a very lucky girl to have had those opportunities, and I should never forget that! Here's hoping the memories will keep me warm throughout the coming winter... and that next year I'll be travelling again!

My sewing room is more or less in order now. There are a few items strewn around the spare room that have yet to find a home, but I'll take care of that. Their home will likely be the Goodwill box.

The room seems much brighter with white woodwork. It helps that the ugly dark green curtain is gone from the window, too. I need to find another window covering, though, because when the light is on in here at night, there is no privacy.

I have a picture to hang on that blank bit of wall.

The built-in shelves are nice and neat (those were a royal pain in the butt to paint).

I'm displaying some fat quarters and half-yards of fabric. They're too pretty to store away!

The dresser holds the rest of my cotton fabric. Other fabrics as well as quilt batting and fibre-fill are stored in plastic containers opposite the desk. I threw away two-and-a-half big garbage bags of stuff - mostly bits and pieces of fabric in unusable shapes and sizes, but also anything that I didn't think was useful or important to keep. I was ruthless and unsentimental (for most of the purge).

The room is still crowded - it's very small - but at least I don't feel like the walls are closing in on me anymore.

And someday I might get around to painting those walls. Someday...


  1. Very nice. Your sacred space needn't be enormous, only tidy and usable! Happy stitching~ Sharyn

  2. Your room look very pristine hmm... wonder how long that will last once you start using it again. Mine stays clean until I start to get creative, I guess I like chaos with my creativity.
    We just had a week of 95+ heat here until yesterday not it is in the mid 60's feels like Fall. Is the Only Child going to University near you or away?

  3. I really LOVE you special and sweet creating area!!! You lucky girl!

    I know you will keep those wonderful travel memories close to your heart and the days get cold and busy.

    You are a very nice lady.

    Hugs, Cory/Dogwood

  4. your room looks great, i wish i had space that like, love that old blue table that you're machine is on, we have a green one as a child

  5. Looks as if you did a fine job on your sewing room. Don't worry...if you get mopey over the winter, we will remind you of the great summer you had, okay? LOL

  6. I love your room, it looks so clean and organized...come do mine.

    Oh..I saw on a blog where she had a slopping ceiling like yours, she put this adorable quilt on was sooooooooooooooo cute....

  7. Awwww bummer it's getting cold there! Your sewing looks great!

  8. I like your photos of the first signs of spring. Your sewing room looks wonderful! I like the fat quarter display.

  9. Oops, I meant first signs of autumn ... still fuzzyheaded and drinking my morning coffee.

  10. It looks great Rachel! The painted woodwork looks great. Now, are you afraid to go make a mess in there?

  11. Looks like a great place to create. Glad you had a fun and safe travel this summer.
    Hope you have a great day. :o}

  12. Very nice! I like having a space to create too. And mine needs to be cleaned and organized. Sigh. Someday. And the leaves are changing here too. A bit early but the weatherman told me it's because of the lack of rain we've had all summer long.... :(

  13. Having your own space is what is important, not what size, color, etc. Looks lovely to me!


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