
Friday, September 10, 2010

RexCat 1991-2010

Contrary to the impression you might get from this photo, he went peacefully.

We love you sweet RexCat.

(It was hard to say goodbye. I'll be back after I've pulled myself together.)


  1. It was hard. But we have to remember he's in a better place. As corny as that is. It wasn't even him we were letting got. It was an unhealthy and a little bit crazy version.

    <3 thanks for being there with me.

  2. I understand.......having been through this recently myself. I'm thinking about you tonight!

  3. I understand sending you some of what you so kindly sent to me last Sat.


  4. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to RexCat. It is such a difficult decision. He sure lived a nice long life and I'm sure was loved very much. Lots of hugs to you and your family.

  5. So, so sorry. We feel your loss. He was suffering too, and now he's not. But you are, I know... you are in my thoughts tonight....

  6. Rest in peace, Rex. You were and are greatly loved. Memories keep those we love alive forever in our hearts. It's hard to see our family members leave us behind.

  7. If only our beloved animals could live decades and decades life would be almost perfect. I know your home feels empty without him purring in the corner. Sending hugs your way while you miss him.

  8. So sorry to hear about RexCat. Sending you hugs from Manitoba...

  9. Hugs to you my friend. I know whats its like, we had to put our Siberian Huskie to sleep several years back and it was sooo hard. The only consolation in these situations is they have no more pain

  10. I want to leave a comment yesterday but I was at work and couldn't remember my password. Any way I realize this is so hard and that there are no words that will lessen the pain. Only time but that only dims it after a while. But the good times are always there to comfort you. My thoughts are with you.

  11. Rex was a very special cat. I know he will be sorely missed. Sending you lots of love and hugs.

  12. I'm so, so sorry about your loss. They bring such joy to us, and it's always so hard to lose them. Big hugs to you.

  13. Rachel~so sorry for you loss of that sweet Rex. It will be so hard for a while. Pets become so much a part of our lives and families. Sweetness and hugs to you...Cory/Dogwood

  14. Rachel, you've been such a stronghold with your comments to me. Now I want to let you know that I'm thinking of you, with prayers for the loss, knowing that you gave this kitty a wonderful life and that he's missing you as much as you're missing him.


  15. Rachel, I'm so sorry to read about Rex...such a hard decision.

    Sending you hugs and comfort!

  16. Jane
    Sorry about Rex-Cat I know how hard it is to let go of a furry companion.


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