
Thursday, September 09, 2010

Farewell to our funny feline friend

Photo by the OnlyChild

After much soul-searching and two years of deliberation and arguing back and forth on the issue, our family has decided it's time to say goodbye to our beloved Rex.

He is feeling all of his 19+ years and, without going into the gory details, we've noticed a serious decline in his physical state over the past few months.

Although I have spoken to the vet about Rex a number of times, I had been procrastinating about making an appointment to have him put to sleep. The OnlyChild phoned and made that appointment today - brave soul.

It is going to be so hard to let him go. He's as much a member of our family as any human or dog. I've struggled with this decision immensely, wondering why I have the right to choose when he dies. I'm still wondering, even as I prepare myself for tomorrow afternoon.

It will be a sad, sad day!


  1. ((((((((((Rachel)))))))))))
    My heart goes out to you!

  2. Oh, thoughts are with you. is not easy to do this and it's easy to question if we have the right. BUT.....if we love them, we don't want to see them have a poor quality of life and suffer......and they aren't usually comfortable with extraordinary veterinary procedures (and get nervous around that kind of thing), are doing what is the kindest thing you can do for Rex. I know this has been building up for don't second-guess yourself and just know that he understands you love him enough not to want him to suffer.

  3. Oh Rachel,
    Sending you many tight hugs!!! Be asured that it is time and you have my deepest sympathy.

  4. I had to face the same sad reality a few months ago with our nearly sixteen year old chihuahua. It was such a difficult decision to make, but in the end I had to admit that keeping her alive was more for me than her. I was selfishly hoping she would just go peacefully in her sleep. I miss her terribly, but I know we made the right decision. She was suffering.
    My thoughts will be with you as you face this painful day. {{{hugs}}}

  5. My heart goes out to you. I have never had to be put in that position and don't know how on earth I could do it. Gosh, it's hard but your family is there with you so you don't have to be alone.
    Rex looks like my Digit and she and her sister are 12.

  6. So sorry to hear about your beloved pet. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Gail

  7. So sorry Rachel. It is hard no doubt about it. As you know we just went through a tough 3 weeks with our Sadie.
    When there is no longer quality of life for them or pain we have to love them enough to let them go as peacefully as possible. Will be thinking of you all.

  8. Oh sweetie, it is such a hard thing to do, even though you KNOW it is the right thing. I will be praying for peace for your heart and mind.

  9. Oh Rachel and family, I'm so sorry for this very difficult decision that you've had to make. Know that you made the best decision for Rex. He will be loved in your hearts and never forgotten.


  10. Oh Rachel. I'm so sorry. You brought tears to my eyes -- I know how precious our animals are to us. {Big Hugs}

  11. My thoughts are with you Rachel. It's a hard decision I know. Think of you....Jenn

  12. Dear Sweet Rachel~That is so hard to make the decision to say "good bye" to you dear old cat! I know you are feeling sad. Our wonderful pets sure make their way into our hearts. The love is strong. Keep memories of Rex alive in your heart and mind. Hugs and more hugs to you~Cory

  13. Oh, Rachel, I am so sorry! You will be in my thoughts!!!

  14. I'm so sorry, I know it's a hard decision to make. I'm sure you are doing what is best for him.

  15. Rachel, my dear, I am so sorry. I know how hard this is for you. I will be thinking of you and the family - Rex has been a member for so long. All my love and hugs.


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