
Saturday, October 09, 2010

Saturday = Awesome

Upon waking up this morning, I was quite sure that today was going to be a bust. I slept in (no big deal), copped out on the dog-walking (lazy, lazy, lazy), and faced the seemingly monumental task of finishing a paper for my master's course.

But how quickly things started to improve.

First of all, I managed to convince Mr. P to take a ride on the streetcar across the river and to the farmer's market. I didn't think he'd want to go but he agreed rather quickly. Then the OnlyChild decided to come with us. Not only did that mean we had an outing with the whole little family (rare indeed), but also that she was out of bed at a decent time. And by decent I mean before 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

It was an absolutely beautiful day!

As you can see, most of the leaves have already blown off the trees so the landscape looks a bit grey. The temperatures, however, were in the 20s (75-ish in Fahrenheit), which is very unusual for mid-October. We're not complaining; winter can stay away as long as it wants!

We browsed the farmer's market (picked up some pickles, plums, dips, and a couple of treats), ate lunch in the park, bought me a beautiful new sweater (rust-coloured chunky knit with a hood), and then took the streetcar back home.

Revived and refreshed from my little adventure, I managed to finish that paper tonight. I'll let it sit and percolate for a day or two, look it over one more time, and then send it off in advance of Friday's due date. I love it when I'm not rushing at the last minute.

But you know what the BEST part is...? I am freeeee for the rest of this long weekend to do whatever I want - sewing, dog-walking, cleaning (yes, I do want to clean). I have only a couple of other obligations: a bit of planning for Tuesday's seminars and a hockey game tomorrow night. And the hockey game is kind of exciting for me too because an old friend from high school is in town and we're going to meet for a drink before the game. I haven't seen him since... well, probably since high school. I'm looking forward to the reunion.

The OnlyChild is working all weekend - tonight, tomorrow night and Monday - so we may save our turkey feast until next Sunday. We'll see. In any case, I wish all my Canadian friends a Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Columbus Day to my American buddies!


  1. Sounds like the most perfect day!! Enjoy your freedom.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Rachel! I can't believe it looks like winter there already. Your pictures are just beautiful!!!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like a perfect day out with your family. Love it!


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