
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Books and more books

I really really want this:

Have you seen the projects inside? Sigh...

And I'd like to read this:

And this one:

The OnlyChild met Thomas Trofimuk a few years ago when she was at a young writers' camp. I read another book by him, The 52nd Poem. It was interesting.

This one looks good too:

I swear I dreamt this plot a few years ago. I think Emma Donoghue stole my dream (but, don't worry - I'm not going to sue).

This is what I'm currently reading:

I read the first in the series, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, in the summer and loved it. It's not the type of novel I usually read, but I found myself immersed in the story. This one is good too. I read [almost] every night in bed. Often I doze off in the middle of a sentence. I rarely have "reading days" like I used to - you know, when you spend the whole day in comfy clothes with a good book and copious cups of hot tea. I miss those days.

They made the first two books in this series into movies; I'm not sure I want to see them. The book is always better than the movie. Always.

Back to what I should be doing... writing a paper... not reading novels. ☺


  1. Well...I sure have an admiration for you and teaching, grading, and teaching some more. You certainly deserve the trips to Paris...

    I will have to see about some of these books.

  2. I don't read as much anymore....too much time sewing AND on the computer!!!

  3. I don't read much at all, my mom loves to read and fusses at me all the time for not reading. WTH? i'm 35 and she still fusses, will that ever stop? lol

  4. Oooh, those look delicious -- I'm off to Amazon to check them out. Although, I must wonder why -- my stack of "to read"s is very high these days -- too much quilting and computer!

  5. Hey, I'm back! ;-) I'm thinking Tinkers will make a great Christmas gift -- thanks for the recommendations!

  6. My husband is reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo right now, and enjoying it. I keep hearing about it, I guess I should just read it. Like you, I don't have many reading days anymore, although travel helps me knock out some hours of reading. But that is not why I am writing. I am writing to let you know that you are one of the three winners for my Latin America trip mystery giveaway! I'm only in Mexico City right now, and have lots of shopping left to do, but be sure to follow along so you can be thinking what of my purchases you would like to come home to you! Thanks for playing along!

  7. thanks for the info on the books. i love reading...

    have a fun and very silly weekend.

  8. The speaker at our Guild had the first book and I almost bought it but the whole want /need thing got in the way.

  9. The last one in the series - The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest - is brilliant too, I loved them all. My husband bought me the DVD of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I'm hoping it wont be a letdown, but I'm sure it will!


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