
Friday, November 12, 2010

If you were an embroidery hoop...

...where would you be hiding?

For a little Friday night relaxation, Mr. P said he'd pick up a movie for us to watch. Since I can't just watch a movie - I always have to be doing something else at the same time - I thought I'd work on some hand-quilting. I've been planning to finish this table topper for ages.

I love how rustic and primitive the hand-stitching looks.

But I can't find my large embroidery hoop. It shouldn't be hard to spot, seeing as it's turquoise in colour. I cleaned out this entire sewing room a couple of months ago to ensure that things didn't get lost. Maybe that was my mistake - before, it would have been tossed onto the top of the closest pile and, therefore, easy to find. I've searched high and low, on shelves, in drawers, in tubs, under the tables... to no avail. I can't find it anywhere.

I'll keep looking until Mr. P returns with the movie. But if I don't find it, I may have to work on my Plan B project - a Seed Scarf that I've started as a Christmas gift for my student teacher.

Oh, but I really wanted to finish that table topper and cross another UFO off my list.


  1. I hope you find the hoop..and I'm glad to know I am not the only one who can't just sit and watch TV. My husband thinks I'm nuts because the only thing HE can do while watching TV is eat or sleep....he can't fathom how I can read or sew and still keep track of what is happening on the TV. I have some guesses about why that's possible, but I'm sure he doesn't want to hear them and would NOT agree....TV fanatic that he is. LOL

  2. hm...if I was an embroidery hoop I would be...behind the ironing board...or under the bed...or under the couch cushion...

    I'm like a dog with a bone when I can't find something..can't give up til I find it..'s kind of even bothering me to think you will give up and knit instead...i might need to run over and search for you...

  3. It's funny how when you organized it makes it harder to find the things you want.

  4. Oooh, don't you hate it when that happens? You're scaring me too -- I just cleaned part of my sewing room today -- I better be able to find my stuff.

    Do you have a bowl or plate that is the same size circle? That's usually what I use to draw my circles.

  5. i would be under that stack of newly purchased fabric, whatever you bought last, check there, lol

  6. Hope you found it!! LOL I have the same problem, losing stuff all the time.
    My hoop is in top of the hall closet!

  7. Hope you found your hoop. It's funny how stuff can disappear like that. Love that seed stitch scarf; I remember when you knit a couple of those last year. Seed stitch is one of my favorite stitches.

  8. Table topper looks so "fallish."
    And, I love the color and stitch of the scarf for your student teacher.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Hope you found your hoop.
    That is why I hate cleaning up as it will take me a while to find where I put things !!;-) My quilt frame is in storage but I do know where my hoops are, for the moment..on top my shutter cabinet!
    Love the scarf!

  10. I love that scarf! Where did you get the pattern?


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