
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Scenes from my Saturday

I was up long before the sun this morning. Way too early, in fact. When the sun finally rose, this is what I saw from my sewing room window. What you can see in this photo is part of the downtown skyline. The buildings look like they're on fire, but it's just the golden glow of the sun rising.

I love the pink sky... Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning?

On my morning walk with AbbyDog, I saw this:

And here's another of my favourite neighbourhood houses:

No snow yet (except for that one snowfall last month), but it's definitely hat-and-mitten weather!

After a long walk, it was nice to return to my own cute little house. I always feel content coming home.

This is the only Christmassy decoration I've put up so far. I think it's still too early. My friend Kim bought these blocks for me when I went to visit her a few weeks ago; I love them.

They are perfect for on top of our new kitchen cupboard.

Tonight the OnlyChild and I went to the annual Christmas Tree lighting downtown. You might remember that we went last year too.

There were fireworks: 

I love fireworks; my favourites are the ones that explode into little stars. The fireworks tonight were all red, white, and green (although I didn't manage to get a good picture of all the colours).

And then they lit up the tree. It was packed with people down there and quite hard to walk around the square, probably because it's not yet too cold to hang around outside. I was bundled up, but really, it's still above freezing here, which is very unusual for November.

I worked a bit more on the quilted table topper this afternoon. I just have the borders left to quilt now. And for those who were wondering, I figured out where my large hoop was hiding - yep, it came to me at about 4 o'clock this morning while I was sipping a cup of tea. I had put the hoop in a blanket chest in the dining room. And it's not turquoise after all; it's just plain wood. I have a smaller turquoise one that I found last night. It made me wonder if I was losing my mind...

I still haven't made any progress on that paper I'm supposed to be writing for my course. I've had to switch my topic because I kept hitting dead ends in my research. Sigh. I have a meeting with a lady from the Department of Education on Tuesday and I'm hoping that will spur me on. I want that monkey off my back!

And speaking of monkeys...

Snow Monkeys! This will be made into pillowcases for Kim's sweet little girls. Oh so cute...


  1. love the pictures of your area, and the heart on the sidewalk, is that cement or was it just wet? love the monkies

  2. Your house is precious. I love it along with your sweet neighborhood. Looking out the window is wonderful. Tree lighting looks like lots of fun. I LOVE this time of year.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  3. What a wonderful set of pictures you've shared today. I love the heart on the sidewalk, and that the cracks seemed to disappear with the love of the heart (my feelings)! Your blocks and the monkey prints are sweet.

  4. Snow Monkeys! How cute -- I've never seen them before. And now I want a heart in my sidewalk too -- very cool. It seems like Christmas stuff goes up earlier every year. I hate seeing it before our Thanksgiving -- and that's still 12 days away!

  5. Wow great pictures!! Love your new cabinets!

  6. You have such a pretty neighborhood!!


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