
Thursday, November 04, 2010

One Hour

Today I finished marking a stack of essays. And the postings for my online course are all done for the week.

I think that calls for a celebration.

With one hour to go before I had to leave for my dance class, and with neither Mr. P nor the OnlyChild home, I chose to party sew for a while.

More string blocks!

The bottom two blocks might end up on the back of the quilt. I'm not too sure about them.

But I'm having fun with these. Even though I keep telling myself I really should be finishing some other projects.


  1. Congrats on finishing your marking and your homework. The quilt looks very Christmas-ey with those colors. Nice!

  2. I am glad you got a few minutes of sew time in...your string blocks are looking soooooo good.

  3. Love your strings!!! I also meant to tell you the 'witchy woman' costume was marvelous!!!Simply Marvelous!
    Derby Dog is so sweet looking!;-)
    My hushes Net has been acting up so behind with my postings! UGH.

  4. okay that was Hughes idea what happened!!!

  5. I love those string blocks. I am very behind on blogs.....yikes....when one goes away for a few days and is only online a couple of minutes per day, blogs really get OUT OF CONTROL!!! (I'm sure you discovered that when in France this past summer.)


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