
Saturday, November 06, 2010

Red, White and Green

Last night, I spent some quality time in my sewing room. Just me, Bernice, a glass of sauvignon blanc (only one - can't be caught drinking and sewing), and a pile of fabric.

I've been working on Red, White and Green projects.

A few more string blocks:

 And I finished a couple of special Christmas surprises that I can't reveal just yet.

After a wonderful whole-wheat waffle breakfast (try to say that 10 times quickly), I went right back in my sewing room this morning and spent many hours with Bernice whirring away and episodes of Six Feet Under playing on my computer.

Tonight is Date Night. Mr. P and I are going to get all dressed up and go out for a fancy dinner. He made the reservations earlier in the week and all I had to do was promise to wear a skirt, pantyhose, and heels. It will be a big sacrifice, but I guess it's worth it.

Tomorrow will be a different kind of day - I'll have to catch up all I didn't do today, such as marking, laundry, more marking, changing bed linens...and, please, nobody tell my professor that I haven't even started my final project yet. I'll do it when the panic sets in, which should be very soon.

Yep, tomorrow I'll likely be broadcasting from Starbucks, because that seems to be the only place I can get any serious (opposite of fun) work done lately. All that Red, White and Green fabric is just so distracting!


  1. Looking like some fun Christmas gifts that you are making!
    Have a great evening with your hubby!
    deb :)

  2. Great fabric for you Holiday gift giving. What fun to have an evening in your sewing room and be creative! Have a nice evening out with your Mr P.

    Hugs, Cory

  3. I just love those red/white/green string blocks. How nice to already have FINISHED some Christmas gifts!

  4. looks like a great evening with Bernice, and I bet an even better one with Mr. P

  5. I love the string blocks...they really have the Christmas spirit!

  6. I like the look of that little tree peeking out. Sewing is the perfect excuse to really get into the Christmas spirit early! I swear I've never felt as Christmasy in November as I do this year and it is because I've started sewing Christmas gifts. I'm liking the look of that string quilt too. R

  7. Are you in the mood for Christmas after spending time with your red, white, and green fabric? Hope you enjoyed your fancy dinner with Mr. P., that sounds like fun. Busy Sunday for you ... hope it wasn't too hectic.

  8. It all looks great!! I started cutting for some pink, orange and yellow string blocks a while ago. I never put them together. I think I should.

  9. Oooh, it all looks so pretty! I wish there were a way to filter out recipients of gifts, so we could all show the gifts that we're working on for Christmas!

  10. Looks like you've been productive. I've been know to have a glass of sauvignon blanc while sewing the evening away too...but you are right, one has to stop after one glass it as it can gets dangerous! :o)

  11. Finally some much needed sewing time.....and I love your strip blocks.

    Hope you had a nice evening with your husband...better been worth getting in those panty hose. I have not worn them for 3 years, that is one negative for moving back to the US.


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