
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let me sew, let me sew, let me sew!

Ohhhh...the weather outside is frightful.
But Bernice is so delightful.
Since I've no place to go,
Let me sew, let me sew, let me sew!

Last night was the Friday Night Sew-In. And, after running around town looking for new Christmas tree lights with Mr. P, I finally sat down to do something at around 7:00 pm.

Some of the projects I worked on are Top Secret and, therefore, cannot be revealed just yet. But I did make some progress on a table runner for my neighbour, inspired by Vanessa's tutorial.

I wanted to make the snowflakes random, each one different, as Vanessa suggested. That plan just didn't work for me.

See... uuuuugly!

So I went to the computer and printed out a snowflake colouring page. I was able to customize the size for my needs.

It was fiddly to appliqué, with all those round bits on the ends; I should have thought of that when I chose the pattern, but I was in a hurry to find something that worked. My go-to snowflake pattern that I've used a few times before was a bit too large, and it was time for something different anyway.

I got all the appliqué done (it took me until 1:00 am) and now just have to hem the edges.

I used Kona cotton in Straw for the background. I love it - I'll definitely be ordering more of that fabric!

So...what did you do on Friday Night?


  1. Sounds like a productive Friday night sew-in. I really like that table runner. I drove around my neighborhood last night looking at all of the Chirstmas lights and decorations and then spent some time knitting a sock. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  2. I finished my medical typing last night and then sat, bundled up, in the recliner fighting a fever. The fever is gone this a.m. but I still feel kind of "blah". You did a good job with the snowflakes.....I'm sure your neighbor will like this a lot. Oh...I do very much like your parody of "Let it Snow!" lol

  3. Ooooh, it looks very cool Rachel -- I can't wait to see if finished. I was decorating until 11:30. It took a ridiculous amount of time this year -- mostly because of flaky light strings. There's probably more where that came from too -- I haven't done the big real tree yet. Your kinda Friday night sounds MUCH more fun!

  4. They are lovely snowflakes so worth the extra bit of tricky :0)

    Wow - you worked late, I was tucked up in bed by that time lol

  5. Love your singing....hope it was on key! Your table runner is going to be adorable. Glad you got some sew time in!!

  6. Hi Rachel,
    I went Christmas shopping with my kids and they are all done! Just need to wrap them up!
    We have over 16 inches of snow, today and it's still snowing...
    Your tablerunner fits right in around here!
    deb :)


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