
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ooh La La... and Ta Da!

Yesterday was one of those days... you know the kind, when you start one thing and get sidetracked by something else.

I decided to do laundry. But then realized that I should change the bedsheets too. Then I figured if I was putting clean sheets on the bed, I should make new pillowcases.

Ooh la la. Now I will be dreaming of Paris while resting my head on Paris pillowcases. I love this quick and easy pattern from Sew4Home, but it took me waaay too long to finish these yesterday morning. Because, you know, I kept getting distracted by other things (like the laundry that I still haven't finished).

Once the pillowcases were on the bed, I turned my attention to the #1 priority, what I believe will be my Final Finish of 2010 - ta da! - the Checkerboard Quilt.

AbbyDog was trying to thwart my efforts to pin the binding. Are you going to move, Abby?

Nope, guess not. She was a bit too comfortable (but I was worried that she'd be poked by a pin).

She did eventually move of her own volition, so I was able to finish the job. And here it is:

It's a twin-sized quilt and not meant for our bed - I just put it there for pictures. The OnlyChild is thrilled that it will be big and cuddly and will be on the couch in the living room. I'd better not find it down in her messy bedroom... It's happened before that she's absconded with a quilt or two and I don't see them for weeks (until I muster up my courage and make the dangerous trek into her room).

I need to go and finish that laundry now, so I can pop this baby into the wash and have it all nice and crinkly for display.

What should I start/finish next? How about you vote?

* Snowman in the Woods (this one's been hanging around for a very long time)
* Green and White no-sew swap quilt
* More Christmas strings (for next year, I suppose)
* Dragonfly wall hanging for my sister-in-law
* French braid quilt
* Snowman wall hanging kit that my friend Kim gave me for Christmas

Suggestions anyone...?


  1. the dragonfly a gift that is needed anytime soon for your sister-in-law? If so, I guess that should be first. Otherwise, I'd say for you to work on the green quilt, of course. (Mine is out to be quilted.)

  2. Thought I'd stop lurking to vote. Snowman in the woods!

  3. Authentic! I love your pillowcases! I need to make a couple sets for my bed. Oh! My giveaway was in my mailbox today. Thank you! I can't wait to use the notebook at work on Monday.

  4. Happy New Year 2011 Rachel!

    as for what project to do next, just pick one and go for it and get it done :)

  5. i always like the french braid quilts...but hey, whatever your little heart desires. love the pillowcases

  6. If you did Snowman, you could enjoy it through January, right? Christmas strings has plu-enty of time right now...but we've said that before.

  7. Happy New Year!
    Love Abbydog :)
    I think the dragonfly sounds interesting.
    I get distracted ALL DAY!!!

    My ATC is all done and I'll mail it next year LOL!!

  8. And I thought I was the only one who got sidetracked and lost the thread of what I started doing!!! Love the pillowcase!

  9. I'll throw a vote for the green and white quilt...

    Happy New Year!

  10. I love your pillowcases.
    The dragonfly wall hanging sounds good.
    Whatever you decide, all the best for 2011.

  11. The beginning of this post sounds like those "If you give a mouse a cookie..." books! Hee hee! Love the pillowcases.


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