
Saturday, January 01, 2011

1-1-11 (How cool is that?)

Last night we had a party. Just a little party - a few friends, Mr. P, the OnlyChild (once she got off work), and me.

It was a blast - good people, good drink, great food!

And I didn't take one single picture. Not one.

Not even a photo of the devilled eggs, mini quiche, bacon-wrapped scallops, crab spread, peanut brittle, fruitcake, Battenburg cake, meat pies, cheese and sausage platter.

No snaps of people laughing at silly jokes or stuffing their faces.

There isn't a picture of Mr. P playing bartender.

I can't believe I didn't have my camera out for the champagne toast at countdown.

Sigh. Oh well. Take my word for it - it was a wonderful night!

Hope yours was too. Here's to a fantastic 2011! Cheers!


  1. oh yes, mine was wonderful indeed, i was in bed by 9:30...YEP. Sounds like you had a great time with friends

  2. Now...wait just a doggone ate CRAP spread???? OOOOOOO.....YUCK!!! I'm thinking I am quite happy you didn't use the camera for a photo of that!!! LOL (Gotta love typos and the retired teachers who point them out to ya!!!)

  3. Thanks for pointing out that mistake, Pat. CRAP spread would not be yummy, but the CRAB spread I made certainly was!

  4. sounds like a wonderful time even with the missing pictures.


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