
Sunday, January 02, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho

It's back to work I go.


It has been such a GREAT Christmas break. Last year I returned to work feeling bitter and twisted because all I did was mark thoughout the vacation. This year, I visited with friends, finished a couple of gifts before the holiday, made mittens, finished my Checkerboard quilt, went to yoga classes, cooked a bit, and hosted a New Year's party.

And today, I made this:

This is the Dragonfly wallhanging for my sister-in-law. Her birthday is January 21, so I'm kind of hoping to get it done in time to mail it to her within the next two weeks. It's not my first "finish" of 2011 since I haven't quilted it yet, but I'm so excited that I actually got to do something I love on my last day of Christmas vacation.

Of course, that was after I took down all the snowmen, Christmas decorations and the tree this morning (I was supposed to do it yesterday, but a nap seemed like a better idea). The house is now back to normal and we'll all get back into a routine and, hopefully, I'll stop eating everything in sight ;)

I'm off to check out my closet and if I have any decent work clothes that still fit me. Goodbye days spent in pajamas...


  1. I love your wall hanging and I am sure your sister in law will too. Glad you got to enjoy your vacation....I hope you changed your pjs and didn't stay in the same ones the whole time (ha!!! just kidding).

  2. Beautiful wall hanging!! Glad you got to work on it!!

  3. What a great dragonfly wall-hanging!! Glad to hear your vacation was so relaxing for you!!

  4. I'm glad you worked on the dragonfly piece. I'm also glad you did the marking at the very start of the vacation so you would have a great holiday break!!! Time has a way of flying and...before you know it....summer will be upon us.

  5. So happy you got to enjoy your holiday this year!!
    Pretty gift for SIL.
    Hope today was a good day back at work!

  6. Me too. Back to work today as well. Love the wall hanging! You did the right thing and worked on that for your last day of Christmas vacation.

  7. The dragonfly wall hanging looks great. Sounds like you had a wonderful break-- so glad to hear it! I am in my pajamas for one more day and then it's time for work clothes again.

  8. Love the wall hanging, lovely colours.


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