
Monday, April 11, 2011

My next project

I know...I know... my last project still needs to be finished. But there have been a few setbacks (some of my own doing, others not my fault) so I decided it was time to move on, to get back to the sewing machine, to start something new.

Jen and I are doing our own Postage Stamp quilt-along. I know she was way ahead of me last week, but I think I may have caught up over the weekend.

I sewed all my strip sets Friday night and Saturday. All 16 of them.

So pretty. So Spring-y.

I also cut all my segments yesterday.

The next step is block construction. Maybe tonight?

Maybe not...our administration called an impromptu staff meeting after school today. I actually fell asleep in it - not kidding! But that's not the worse part. I had plans to hightail it out of the building right after the bell and head to the fabric store to buy more thread so I could sew this evening. The long, drawn-out meeting scuttled those plans. The traffic would have been terrible in that part of the city by the time I got there, so I didn't go.

I might have enough light-coloured cotton thread to get a few blocks done, but what I really want is a hot bath, a good book, and an early bedtime. I just was not made for Mondays!

I linked this post to Fabric Tuesday on Quilt Story!


  1. Oh, that is going to be beautiful! And, the pattern got here today...Thanks...buttons stayed in tact -even though the envelope was ripped...

  2. Springy the colors!!

  3. Gorgeous!
    You sound just like me; always onto the next project before the last one is finished.

  4. I'm with you -- Mondays aren't for me either.

    It's going to be so fun to watch you and Jen complete this project. Your strips are looking so fresh and cute!

  5. The fabric you chose are so pretty!
    Love the washi eggs you made. Very cool!
    I see a new banner!

  6. Eye candy! Love it so far, and what a gorgeous quilt these will make.

  7. Those strips look cool as your new header picture ... very Springy indeed!!

  8. So pretty! Love the brights with the crisp white!

  9. What pretty fabrics you've chosen. It's going to be a gorgeous quilt once finished.

  10. Love your fabrics...can't wait to see how both your quilts turn out. Nice to have a quilt buddy like Jen to sew along with.

  11. Your quilt looks great, I like that fabric. I was just over at Jen's blog and her's looks really good, too. How funny that you fell asleep during that meeting. You really must have been exhausted.

  12. Very nice! I got 4 blocks done so far. That's it. No sewing today. It was a lazy day for me.

  13. My Mondays begin at 3:30 am with rice patrol, then off to sub at pre-school. I lay down with the kids at nap time and fell asleep too. Sometimes bath and bed sounds like a good plan ... and by the way, you can't have too many projects.

  14. Those colors are so pretty and Springy. Love them. And, oh...I also love love you new banner. I should probably change my banner but I still like the one I have.
    Oh and by the way...we had snow flurries this morning in Grass Valley! Very pretty but I must admit I am look forward to Spring. We are suppose to have warm days this weekend. Smiles.

  15. This will be GORGEOUS!!! I would love to do one one day. Great choices in fabric! Thanks for linking to fabric Tuesday :)


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