
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Alberta is, once again, suffering from an identity crisis. Is it Winter? Is it Spring? Winter? Spring?

The victor in today's battle was...Winter!

Yep, our Christmas lights and decorations are still up on the house. Even before today's snowfall, there was still so much snow on the front lawn that we couldn't take them down yet. Yep, even though we are closer to Easter now than to Christmas.

And while I'm wishing for the snow to go away, I'll spend the evening inside with my Postage Stamp quilt, happily sewing together segments to make the blocks.

You can pop over to visit Jen, too, and see how she's coming along. I think she's pulled ahead of me again (not that it's a competition - oh no).

And don't forget that tomorrow is the Friday Night Sew-In. What will you be working on?

(I love their new button!)


  1. All I have to say is....UGH (about the snow...not about your quilt!!!)

  2. HA! 8 blocks done here! Will be posting tomorrow and making more through FNSI. I'm sorry winter came back for a visit.

  3. Winter again!!! Oh, not nice...

    Have fun at the Friday night Sew in...

  4. Thank goodness for the photos of your project, because those winter photos were depressing me!! Meanwhile, I wore shorts, a t-shirt and flip-flops all day. My whole family is moving north, and all I can say is, I'm going to miss them!

  5. I don't wish the snow on you, but I'm delighted we don't share it with you. It's pretty though. :)
    Love the banner on your blog with that gorgeous photo of the fabric, it's yummy. I'm going to watch the progress of the quilt!

  6. Wow -- I like snow, but not in April! Looks like the only place to be is in sewing -- have fun tonight!

  7. Now I know you've said it's Sprinter...but are you sure it's not Wring? As I'm sure you are wringing your hands in frustration!! Hope the spring turns up and stays very very soon!


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