
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Fabric Frolic

I rarely buy fabric without a specific project in mind. Take, for example, these two pretties that arrived in my mailbox yesterday:

I purchased them to make a dress. (I actually had hoped I'd get the package last week so I could sew the dress in time for Grad - which is this Thursday and Friday - but it didn't happen, so I'll have to search my closet for something decent that still fits me. Groan.)

In the past couple of weeks, though, I've received some awesome treats that I haven't ordered or purchased myself.

This sweet little bundle was sent to me by Riel of The Q and the U in return for some charm squares I mailed to her. Little-known fact in Blogland: Riel and I went to high school together! Who knew we'd connect 20 years later through quilting?

Then there's this gorgeous group below. I won these fabrics in a giveaway from Quilt Dad, John. Yellow is my favourite colour and I love it paired with grey. I'm so glad this colour combination is back in style. When I was in grade 8, I made a yellow sweatshirt in home-ec class and wore it with my very chic grey cords. So stylin'!

I think a little quilt will be made from this fabric. I have a grey solid that will coordinate nicely.

And lastly (but not leastly), this stack arrived in the mail a couple of weeks ago. Six yards of Kona solids in colours of my choice won from Rachel at p.s. i quilt (I think she picked me because she likes my name - wink wink). I stuck to neutrals, except for the green and purple. In case you'd like some for yourselves, the colours are (l-r) grass, white, stone, parchment, aubergine, and butter. The colours look a bit washed out in the photo, but really they're quite beautiful.

Honestly, I don't enter a lot of giveaways. I have enough fabric to last me a lifetime (and it's, for the most part, leftovers from projects or hand-me-downs from other people). I think I have been extraordinarily lucky in the last month or so.

Now, I just need to be lucky enough to find some free time. This time of year (May/June) is incredibly busy - grad, IB exams, finals, marking, preparing for next year, marking and more marking. And I officially started my new Master's course yesterday. It's already got me run off my feet. So much work! I hope I'm doing more than is expected and that the prof tells me to calm down because it already feels like it's taken over my life (I actually started doing the work on the weekend so I could get a bit ahead before I got behind this week).

Is it June yet? I want to play with my fabric!


  1. You are one lucky the fabrics...and love the fabric you chose to make yourself something with.

  2. Ha, ha ... little known blogland fact ... it is so funny that we both have quilt blogs now ...

  3. Beautiful fabrics.
    June will be here before you know it and you can then sew all day!
    Have a nice evening...

  4. Loving all that fabric! June will be here soon and then you can play all day!


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