
Saturday, April 30, 2011

O'Cherries O'Completed

I finally got around to those last two borders on O'Cherries and the binding. Last night while Mr. P took the OnlyChild to the mall to get her computer fixed - and I had the house to myself - I was able to get the job done.

And this afternoon, I took some photos. Here is O'Cherries lying on top of the yet to be quilted (or even basted) Postage Stamp top.

Then I went outside and side-stepped dog poo to take some on-the-fence pictures. Gotta love Spring. The snow has barely melted (there's still a nasty, dirty patch in the back corner of the yard by the shed) and the lawn needs raking something fierce. Mr. P promises he'll get to it. Right now, he's dozing on the couch while the hockey game is on t.v. Gotta love men. And Stanley Cup playoffs. And lazy Saturdays.

I like how this quilt turned out...BUT...this is probably the first time I've ever thought a quilt looked better before it was washed. The crinkly, washed look takes away from the feather designs I quilted. And I was really proud of that quilting. I wish I'd taken a few photos of it before I washed it. I should have used a spray bottle to get the markings out and let it dry naturally.

A close-up of the quilting. See what I mean about the crinkliness obscuring the quilting design?

A view of the back. I used some leftover honey-bun strips to make my "signature" racing stripe on the back.

The sky looks nice and blue and benign in that last photo, but here's what it looked like behind me.

And a view of the front out of the window on the stairs. Threatening and scary!

Seriously, not two minutes after I came inside it started to rain. Good timing or what?

I hope you're enjoying your Saturday. I spent 4 1/2 hours this morning marking essays and assignments. I still have plenty of school work to do this weekend and I start a new master's course on Monday. But for now, I need to do something fun and satisfying...start a new project, maybe?

Update: This project was linked to Fabric Tuesday on Quilt Story. I hope you'll come and have a look at all the great projects.


  1. Turned out beautiful!
    May you miss the scary weather looming about!

  2. i think the feather stitching is just beautiful. we can def see it! :-)

  3. Your quilt is just fabulous....great job!!

  4. It's amazing! If you ever get tired of it, my address is...

  5. Looks great!
    I know what you mean about a quilt sometimes looking better before you wash it.
    And go ahead - start another project! You deserve it!

  6. It's beautiful - crinkles and all. So clean and pretty looking - you have permission to start something new - lol ! xxx

  7. I love O'Cherries and I see the feathers just fine in that close-up photo. GREAT job, Rachel! I wish I could do that kind of quilting but I just can't get the hang of it.

  8. Bravo!!! You did a terrific job! You are making me want to do some "custom" quilting. What kind of marking pen did you use?

  9. It looks great & I can still see the feathers in all it's crinkly goodness!!
    Great job!! We are our own worst critics so pat yourself on the back for an amazing job!!

  10. It is so beautiful Rachel - you did a fabulous job on the feathered wreaths - I can see how great they look. It is such a pretty bright quilt - surely it will help scare those nasty storm clouds away! Good timing getting inside just in time!

  11. You did a great job! I love it - so fresh and yummy! I haven't seen that line in stores here and am experiencing some serious envy ;-)

  12. It's beautiful Rachel! I LOVE how it turned out! My similar quilt is still on the pingpong table. Thanks for keeping it real with the doggie duty too LOL!!!

  13. Your quilting really stands out nice in your white squares. What an accomplishment for the first attempt on a quilt. I'm so happy for you and your great finish!

  14. O'Fabulous! You really dressed it up with the quilting, it's great ... I am not a crinkle lover either ... I have been known to iron quilts ...

  15. WOW ~ that quilt is beautiful!

  16. Quilting is always a great break from correcting papers! As a homeschooling mom, quilting is a great outlet for me, too! Your quilt is absolutely beautiful! Scrappy Irish Chain is one of my all-time favorites!
    Mrs. Hearts

  17. Unbelievable. GORGEOUS!!! Well done!

  18. I love this quilt! The quilting is still lovely, just now puffy and soft too!

  19. I (also) feel guilty for liking quilts more before they are washed and crinkled. It looks amazing though. I love feathers and you did it just right! Did you use a standard machine for the quilting?!?!

  20. Your quilt is lovely! I zoomed in to admire the quilting and it looks great, crinkled or not!

  21. LOVE this! I'm a beginning quilter and this is definitely too advanced for me to take on. You did such a lovely job!


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