
Monday, June 27, 2011

So I failed...

at the whole Summer of No Pants thing. Sadly, I didn't even get one skirt or dress made before the June 17 deadline. I finished my first and only item on Friday. Sigh.

But, as I promised, here is a picture of my Frayed Tunic Dress from Sew Serendipity.

I had my sweet friend Erminia snap this photo with my cell phone just as we were heading out to lunch today (like real grownups - quite a treat).

There are a couple of things I did different from the instructions, of course. For one, I have less raw edges showing. All the ruffles - on the sleeves which you can't see, the bodice and the hem - are supposed to be sewn with raw edges exposed on top and bottom. I sewed the edges in on the tops of the ruffles.

I also applied Fray Stop to the lower edges of the ruffles. They were fraying madly as I was constructing the dress. I couldn't imagine the mess that would occur when I wore it, let alone what would happen in the wash.

It's really quite a comfortable dress and fits me pretty much perfectly (although Mr. P alluded to the fact that it makes my - ahem - boobs look big and I think there's just a lot of gathering up there). I love that the zipper is in the side and not right in the middle of the back. It's completely invisible. I also love the fabric I chose for this dress - Joel Dewberry's Aviary 2. I am hoping to incorporate the scraps into a quilt, although there's not much left!

The pattern wasn't too difficult to follow, once I got my special email from Kay Whitt; however, it's necessary to flip back and forth in the book which can get a bit annoying at times. Now that I've figured out the system, though, I'll definitely be making more from Sew Serendipity. In fact, I started making my skirt yesterday. It's all cut out and I have ruffles made.

It might be a Summer of No Pants, after all...just a little bit of a late start. And anyway, I live in Canada where it usually doesn't get warm enough for summer skirts until July so I think it's okay.

Three days of work left and then:
* another masters course (I got an A+ on the course that ended yesterday)
* writing learning materials for next year's classes
* a spare bedroom to paint (started taping and filling holes tonight)
* a skirt and another dress to sew
* a trip to San Antonio for a conference
* my next quilt project...?

Yay Summer! Stay tuned...


  1. Oh Rachel -- it's ADORABLE!!! You look SOOO cute -- I love it! Congratulations on your A+. Sounds like you have a really fun summer all lined up.

  2. Cute photo of you in your coolnew dress!
    You are one busy gal! A summer full of projects.
    Take care.
    deb :)

  3. I really admire that you are seeking higher learning. I have never been one who liked school but so admire those that do. You are just adorable in your dress...

  4. You are rock'n that cute dress!! I see no big boobs either...hahaha! When you go to TX you can add boots to it and go!Busy is good. Hope you get a lot done over your summer!

  5. Love the dress!!
    Congratulations on getting a A+!!

  6. Yay summer! Yay to a beautiful finish!

  7. You look lovely in your new dress! Hooray for you! Enjoy your last couple of days of school! and Congrats on your A+! Bravo!

  8. Your dress turned out cute. You always manage to look so YOUNG...lucky you! :)

  9. Very cute! No problem in missing a deadline--still plenty of summer left :)

  10. I had a slow start on the "summer of no pants" thing, too, lol. But even one is awesome, in my book. We could have made NONE!! And yours came out beautifully. Also, CONGRATS on your grade. Best wishes with everything!! ~Lori

  11. I love your dress! It's so cute in that fabric! I had intended to make more things for the SONP too, but I feel like I've let it go.


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