
Friday, August 26, 2011

The 'Bridge

Mr. P and I took a road trip for a couple of days. He had some meetings in the south and I hung out with my friend Kim in Lethbridge. It is where the OnlyChild will be going to university (that didn't have anything to do with our trip this week) and it's - usually - a five-hour drive from where we live.

We took the scenic route because Mr. P didn't want to drive on the highway. The scenery really was beautiful, but I didn't have my camera (and I'm quite sure my need to take photos would not have been indulged anyway). I scouted the internet so you could see what I saw on the drive.

We travelled through some small towns:

Past the Hoo Doos:

Through Dinosaur Land:

Then to outer space...?

Taking the scenic route cost us some time. It ended up taking us six hours to get to our destination! But at least we didn't have the aggravation of highway traffic on those seldom-travelled back roads.

I spent Thursday with Kim and her girls (go over to Kim's blog and tell her it's time she started posting again). Of course we went to a quilt shop!

I picked up some more reds for my bow tie quilt.

I also got about .65m of a Patisserie print to do the borders on my little quilt (you can see it in the bottom right-hand corner of the photo). This was the only print from this line left in the store! I put the blocks together when I got home this afternoon and should have the top done this weekend.

And remember when I made the Little Lamb? I got a Halloween kit to hang from the same stand. I'm so excited about it that I plan to put it together right away. The snowman kit on the right was a gift from Kim last Christmas and it fits the same stand, so now I'm set for the next couple of holidays!

After the quilt shop, we took a little drive in the country to visit a lovely antique shop. I spent a whopping $10 on these three spools.

All in all, a very quick but fun trip. I'm going back down to the 'Bridge next weekend to take the OnlyChild to school. That is a lot of driving!


  1. Sounds like a lovely couple of days away; time with the Mr, time with friends, and fabric shopping - what more could you want?

    Have a safe trip next weekend! I know it could be difficult for you (emotionally).

  2. That little quilt is looking lovely. A few more reds are winging your way.

  3. Oh man. I'm a "get on the highway and just DRIVE" kind of girl. Taking the scenic route is so NOT for me. My husband loves to drive the unknown. But I know I'm missing some fun things to see. Looks like you had fun and picked up some more red. I sent you some of that Bliss red too.

  4. Sow, this blog post has a little of everything! Fun.
    It is always so nice to get away.
    Have a nice evening.
    Hugs, Cory

  5. Those are such cute litte quilts and a neat packaging!


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