
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Small project and new project

The OnlyChild and I have been packing and cleaning. She's getting ready to go to university in a city 5 hours south! I'm not sure it's sunk in quite yet that she will be leaving.

No more dishes left all over the house. No more baskets overflowing in the laundry room. No more backpack left right where I'm sure to trip over it.

And no more Friday Night Sew-ins with my girl. Or impromptu shopping trips. Or silly movies when we're home alone. Or fashion consultations (how will I dress myself?).

What am I going to do? It is going to be so weird without her around.

While we were doing some clothes-sorting this afternoon, we found this old t-shirt of hers and decided to make it into a pillow for her dorm room.

With a bit of Kona brown and a couple of buttons from Paris, it made a cute little pillow...perfect for a journalism student!
I also started a new project - another baby quilt. This time I'm using a Patisserie charm pack that Jen sent me ages ago and some Kona parchment. I had been "saving" the charm pack until I found the perfect little quilt pattern. So far I really like it, but I need to find some fabric for the borders, perhaps some hard-to-find Patisserie yardage...or not. I really need to cut down on my online fabric shopping now that I have to pay tuition!

I also have to keep busy so I don't spend too much time thinking about my baby chick leaving the nest...

p.s. This post was linked to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Awwww Rachel! Virtually sending you a big hug and holding your hand. It's super hard, and I'm betting even harder with an OnlyChild. I hope it all goes well in the next few weeks. Luckily, you'll be going back to school too, and that busy-ness will help keep your mind off of the emptiness.

  2. I sincerely wish you all the best. My only child (also a daughter) left home when she got married in January 2009. I was completely lost without her!

  3. My daughter (also an only child) is leaving for university on Friday. It's wonderful and horrible at the same time! Good luck to both of us - it's what we raised them for - let's try to remember that!

  4. Going cold turkey to the empty nest is hard! I still miss chick flicks, fashion advice and the hugs. It is easier when they leave home now though with Skype, texting, messaging and email. I love Skype! Good luck to her and you as you enter this next phase in your lives.

  5. What a great idea for a pillow! I really like the pattern you are using for the new quilt. Cute fabric, too!

  6. you are going to miss her; but you will also enjoy your time. the cushion is just tooo cute...

  7. you are going to miss her; but you will also enjoy your time. the cushion is just tooo cute...

  8. Good luck to both of you! I can't imagine my little boys leaving me, but I know it will be here before I know it! I'm sure you'll be sad, but you should also be proud. You made it!

    Pretty baby quilt!

  9. Love your pillow and you will miss your daughter but will have more time to spend quilting. Hugs.

  10. I can certainly understand your feelings about OnlyChild leaving for college. I have an OnlyChild too, but a son instead of a daughter, so the relationship is always a bit different. You know--no Friday night sew-ins, clothing consultations, etc. How far away will she be? I LOVE the t-shirt that you used for the pillow, and the other quilt is going to be really cute. Good luck getting used to your "new normal."

  11. Hugs! good luck to you and OnlyChild. I'm sure it's going to be a major adjustment but you'll get into the "empty nest" groove soon enough. But I wish you the best in your transition. The pillow is totally adorable and your mini is super cute. I sent that charm pack to you?? Cool!

  12. I love the pillow idea and will remind her of home every day.
    Hey...if you need another child, or 2, or 3, or 4, or even 5....I can loan you any one or more of the 5 grandchildren currently living with us for a time. I'm just sayin' LOL

  13. By the time my last chick flew, my older ones were returning to tell me how to run my life. At least I now have more advice than I'll ever need. Hang in there!

  14. Rachel, you seem too young to be an empty nester ... you could always have another baby to keep you occupied and start again ... mwaaahahahahahahahaha ... great pillow btw ...

  15. Awwww you'll be ok Rachel. I know it's hard. I remember when my baby graduated from college. I cried, he cried, we all cried. Now I'm happy for him to visit and I'm happy for him to go home. LOLOL Hang in there!!!


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