
Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Chain Gang

I feel like a prisoner, stuck up here in my little room. I've been working lots of hours on both the master's course I'm taking and on new learning materials for the courses I'll be teaching in the Fall. Ten hours and counting today. I need a break...and I need to avoid answering the phone because Mr. P keeps calling me from work and asking me to run errands. "Well, you're home all day..."

Sheesh, I bet I'm working harder than he is.

Anyway...every once in a while I put the books and papers aside and do a little something fun. And, in keeping with the prisoner theme, I've been on the chain gang - that is, I've been doing a bit of chain piecing.

I have 43 Bow Tie blocks done and when I finish this pile, I should be near 100. They're repeats of the first lot, though, since I ran out of unique red fabric. This will not be a charm quilt.

(I ordered a couple of prints from the Fat Quarter Shop. Shhhh.)

Not much else happening around here. I always think I'm going to have soooo much time to do what I want in the summer then it just races by. Before I know it, I'll be back at school... I don't want to say the S-word too loudly...


  1. Yeah, summers have a way of running by. Grab whatever you can get. Sorry I didn't realize you needed more reds. Is it too late to cut you a few?

  2. Good therapy (quilting) truly amaze me in what all you do and continuing your education....

  3. Isn't it funny how people think if you're home all day you have nothing better to do than stuff for them? That's one of the (few) things I like about working -- I have an excuse if I need it and people can't take advantage of me. I get a lot more done when I'm working than when I'm not -- and all because other people don't expect so much out of me. Enjoy your last bit of not "working" -- and take LOTS of time for yourself!

  4. I hope to get some sewing in soon as well. I miss my sewing machine.


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