
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Baby bird has left the nest

and is getting settled in her new place.

This is the view from her dorm room!

She looks out onto the coulee and is sure to see some interesting wildlife out there.

I lived in residence for two years when I was in university and all I saw out the window was a parking lot. Her view is infinitely better.

The room is tiny, as most dorm rooms are. I'm guessing that her carpet will disappear within two weeks (beneath mounds of clothes and books). I might be wrong about that... we'll see.

After a while, it started to look a little more like home, with some pictures, a couple of plants and the lovely doggy wall-hanging.

And nothing says "home" like a quilt and pillow made by Mum! (Not to mention the jointly-created Leon the Lion from our night in together in March.)

The parting was difficult. We put it off as long as possible, then I realized that the longer I stayed, the worse it was going to be.

Then I got in the truck to come home and almost turned around. I just wanted to take her out for lunch, spend a little more time with her. But I didn't want to have to go through the leaving again, so I kept on driving. And crying.

Alberta just passed a distracted driving law. I wonder if crying-and-driving is illegal?


  1. I'm sorry it was hard. These things never go all that well, do they?

  2. Hugs Rachel!! I'm sure it was super hard to say goodbye. She'll be home soon for a holiday soon, I'm sure.

  3. What an amazing view!

    I teared up just reading your post. Oh, how I know the agony of letting go! When DD was away on her honeymoon, I just wanted her to come home - to stay!

    *hugs* (and I'm here if you want to vent by email!)

  4. Awwwwww!! Sending hugs!! Her view is awesome!!

  5. that's always a tough one! But you'll be able to think about her in her room with a lovely view snuggling under that wonderful quilt you made her,(remember, every time she pulls it up, you're giving her a hug!) with her fabulous doggie wall hanging.
    Hang in there!

  6. Awwww, now you're making me cry. It's such an exciting, yet sad time. She's in good hands though -- surrounded by all her goodies -- and a Sock Monkey!!!

  7. Hugs and love to you, Rachel. It must have been so hard letting your baby bird fly away. How wonderful that she knows how much her mom loves her and will miss her.

    And wow, what a nice view!

  8. aww. (tear) that had to be heart breaking. my son is 4 but just thinking about that makes me cry. BUT she'll be home soon to visit and you can go and visit her and look at that view and those gorgeous things you have made for/given her to start her out! She is a lucky girl. :)

  9. What a cozy little room with such a lovely view. How great you could see it. I saw six kids off at the airport. No idea how they would make it. Some had it pretty tough but they all came out stronger in the end. And, ooh, the stories you will share on holidays! It will get easier.

  10. What a cozy little room with such a lovely view. How great you could see it. I saw six kids off at the airport. No idea how they would make it. Some had it pretty tough but they all came out stronger in the end. And, ooh, the stories you will share on holidays! It will get easier.

  11. Nice view she has. How did her first day of classes go? Your post brought back some memories of a similar time for me......

  12. I've been lax abbot reading blogs lately, but I wouldn't have had words of wisdom for you anyway. I would have been crying myself. At least you know she has pieces of you (both tangible and intangible) there with her, and wow, what a view!


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