
Friday, September 16, 2011

Keeping busy

There are no cobwebs growing on me (my house, however, is another story). The past week or so has been filled with activity, some of my choosing.

My friend Kim and I spent last Saturday doing a Shop Hop. I'd never participated in one of these events before and it was FUN! We visited five different quilt stores in four different towns, put I-don't-know-how-many kilometres on the car, burned almost a tank of gas, and bought...

Well, that's what I bought anyway. Just a few stash-builders.

We also went to a concert that same night - Matt Nathanson/Train/Maroon 5. It was great. I had a video to post for you here but my phone won't let me send it :(

What else have I been doing?

I finally quilted Patisserie and I basted the Halloween cat wallhanging. Tonight is Friday Night Sew-In so I hope to do some binding and maybe get the wallhanging quilted. Or maybe I'm being a bit ambitious.

Are you joining us? Go over to see Heidi to sign up!

Work has been busy, too. I had a meeting on Monday night to share information about the school trip to Italy that I'm organizing for Spring Break. I already have 25 students enrolled and I'm hoping to get another 5. I can't wait! And - listen to this! -  because I'm organizing the trip, the tour company is sending me and the OnlyChild to Paris for 5 days after Christmas. It's a training tour for me and I'm allowed to bring someone with me so I chose the OnlyChild. Mr. P has no interest in going.

Also, Meet-the-Staff night was this week. What a dog and pony show! I hate being put on display and then having to make small talk. I usually don't have too many parents needing to speak to me, but this year I couldn't seem to get away. It was quite late when I got home.

Kettlebells and Yoga classes also started. As well, my FINAL (woohoo!) course for my Master of Education degree started last week.

Yep, busy.

But one last thing...if you're still awake...I grew a little garden this year - just some green onions, green beans, spinach, carrots and beet... and sunflowers.

Look how tall these are. The fence is 5 ft high and some of the flowers are at least 2 ft taller. It was a bit windy when I took this photo so they're somewhat bent over but I'm sure you get the effect. They are so beautiful that I brought some inside to enjoy.

The OnlyChild has settled in nicely at university. She likes her room, she likes her roommates, she likes her classes. She doesn't much like the food and is requesting home cooking from me. I find that funny, since I've never been known for my cooking. She's missing home a bit and (of course) the Wild Things and we miss her, but I'm so glad she's enjoying herself. Thanks for all your kind words last week. The parting was hard but we're both feeling much better about it now.

Have a happy weekend!


  1. You are a busy gal....and I so love the you are going to be traveling alot in the coming year...that is sooo awesome for you!!

  2. The sunflowers are so, well, sunny and cheerful!

    How wonderful that you and OnlyChild can have a short holiday (oops, sorry, vacation) together!

    Glad to hear that she is settling in and you are coping a little better without her!

  3. Sounds like you have been busy Rach! I love the idea of a shop hop, but a Euro trip sounds even better... :)

  4. Wow you have been busy!! Love that your going & getting a trip to Italy!! Sweet!!

  5. I'm glad T is enjoying university.....that always is good news for a mom to hear, isn't it? Your sunflowers are amazing and I like what you bought at the shop hop. GREAT news that the travel company is giving the Paris trip as a "bonus" for training for you!!!

  6. Wow you Lucky girls! I'd love a tour gig -- I've often thought that would be the perfect job. It will be fun to watch your adventures this year!

  7. How fabulous that you and OnlyChild get to go on a trip together!


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