
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Patisserie - finished during FNSI!

The binding is on, now this little quilt just needs a label and to be washed so it's all lovely and crinkly and it can go to its new owner.

I made it for a colleague who just had a baby girl, but I really love it and now I'm having second thoughts about giving it away. I'm always worried that the recipient won't recognize the had work and time that went into the making of the quilt. Those who don't create themselves often think homemade gifts are "cheap". Does anyone else feel that way? Do you end up giving the quilt away after all?

I think every new baby deserves something made for him or her with love.


  1. I totally agree that those that do not do this sort of thing appreciate it as much as those who do. I made THREE baby quilts this year. I received ONE thank you via e-mail! That's it, just an e-mail. I have never seen the babies' pictures of them with the quilt or anything. hmp. I still say give the quilt to the little one. Someday he/she will appricate it.

  2. Yes I do feel like some people might not understand how much work and love goes into making a quilt, but more often than not either the parent of the baby quilt is really touched or years later the "baby" will tell me it's a favorite thing and it was loved to death. So in the end it's all worth the work.

  3. Firstly, let me dsay, it's a beautiful quilt.

    I agree that some people somehow equate handmade/homemade with "cheap and nasty". That's why I am always reluctant to make gifts for anyone but my WM, my DD, my sister and my mum! It is my niece's 21st next weekend; she will be given an engraved pen even though I really would have preferred to have made her a quillo in her favourite colours!

  4. It's beautiful Rachel! I love your matching blog header too.

    I definitely feel the same way. Most people just don't get what we do -- and really don't care. I used to make lots of stuff for people and my mother would tell me that I was wasting my time -- that I should be more judicious in choosing who would receive the objects of my toil. All her nagging has finally sunken in. I've been particularly proud of myself with my twin-expecting coworker. Normally, I would have gone ga-ga -- I LOVE making baby stuff. But the new mom has said a few things that made me realize that she really wouldn't appreciate all the hard work -- luck for her -- at least from my point of view LOL!

  5. What a beautiful quilt! It makes a great header too.

    I go back and forth on that one. I do my best to enjoy the process of making it and doing it because it's something I think they will like. And, once it is given, it is theirs to do as they wish. That said, there are a few people that I no longer make anything for at all. They'd rather have something store bought and don't like anything handmade, so why would I waste my time...

  6. I give baby quilts almost exclusively as baby gifts these days and I find that the recipients really like them, even if they don't match their decor!With that said, however, my DD asked me to make a quilt for a co-worker and then she decided differently because she said the girl wouldn't appreciate it. I guess I just assume they like them. Yours is lovely, and it will be a lucky babe that gets it!

  7. Oh Rachel, it's beautiful! I can see why it would be hard to give away. I often feel like that with my knitting-- so much love and care goes in to it that I really want it to be appreciated.

  8. That quilt turned out gorgeous and the photo of it in you blog header looks wonderful there! I, too, feel this way about the things I make for people. I do believe some people (perhaps many?) believe handmade gifts are "cheap" and don't value them as much. If they realized the amount of time AND money that goes into something like a handmade item, they'd know otherwise, but I guess many folks just don't think about that. For that reason, I am very careful about who gets homemade gifts from me and who will get just a "cheap" (LOL) store-bought item!!!

  9. I recently sent a quilt to a high school friend for her 5-yr old daughter, just a small wallhanging or doll quilt with her daughter's name on it, hand quilted. I sent it with a letter for her and a letter for her daughter. I never heard from her. Finally, I emailed her to ask if it had arrived and she said, "yes, thank you.". That's it. I'm trying to keep in mind that it is e act of giving that is important, not the acknowledgement, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that my feelings were hurt. Makes me want to only give quilts away to those that I am CONFIDENT will appreciate them.

  10. it's so beautiful! I'm familiar with your dilemma--and there is just no way to know ahead of time whether the recipient will truly apprciate it. But you will always know the true measure of the gift you gave...and I've decided that's what is most important!

  11. It is beautiful Rachel!

    I've reached the point where I don't make a lot of things for my family, as I don't feel they are appreciated. However, I still create because I love to do it, and for me the most joy comes from the creative process. Once I give something away, I seldom worry or even think about anymore, and like Sherri says, you know the measure of what you did...

  12. That is fabulous!!!!! What a great fnsi project. I started a road to tennessee block myself.

  13. Agree with everyone. I love it though! It's a beauty!

  14. Such a beautiful quilt! I could imagine wrapping a little baby girl up in this! Unfortunately, we never know how a gift would be received until it is given. Good luck!

  15. The quilt is gorgeous!! Congrats on finishing it!

  16. Gorgeous quilt! I love the freehand quilting—my mom did the same on my daughter Rachel's quilt :D .

    I hear you on the homemade gifts thing. Once I knit a cute (and fast) lion washcloth for a friend's gift. She was like "Oh, cute." And then someone else at the party asked if I'd gotten it at X store. When I said I'd made it, my friend seemed much more touched. So that was nice :D .

    My MIL quilts too. A friend once asked my MIL if she'd make quilts for the friend's grandchildren. My MIL politely declined—there was no way she could charge her friend what even a small handmade quilt would be worth in labor!

  17. Your quilt is really beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing it! I just found your blog and am your newest follower. Have a marvelous day! :)

  18. A beautiful quilt and gift from the heart. I am sure the recipient will cherish it, and realize how very special it is. I think many people do appreciate handmade gifts, but they do not realize how much we appreciate the simple "thank you".


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