
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Hallowe'en and Hello November

Happy Hallowe'en! I hope you all had a fun day/night. Working in a school on Hallowe'en has its ups and downs. The ups: the students' costumes. Some students put a lot of effort and creativity into their costumes (of course others simply buy the skimpiest little thing in the cheap costume shop). The downs: candy being eaten everywhere, all day. Ugh. And the lack of Hallowe'en spirit displayed by my colleagues.

I was the only one in my department who dressed up today. Boy, did I feel a bit silly sitting in my office in my pirate costume while everyone else wore regular clothes.

I didn't take any pictures this year, but I do have one from three years ago when I made this costume. (I recycled this year.)

Here I am with the OnlyChild. She was in grade 11 that year.

I haven't had much time for sewing lately, but I have managed to do a bit of knitting in my down time. It's a more portable project so I can get a few stitches in here and there. I made one cowl (the grey underneath) and I'm working on another in green. These will either be gifts or will be for the OnlyChild to sell at a fundraiser in late November.

It's probably silly of me to be doing anything extra right now - sewing, knitting, whatever - because I'm up to my ears in marking, planning, writing as well as my course work. But, you know, just in case I get bored, I decided to add another project to my list:

Yep, I joined NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month. It starts tomorrow and I'm supposed to write 1666 words per day to meet my goal of writing a 50,000 word novel by the end of November. Ha!

I did this challenge in 2003 and that novel is still languishing on my laptop, unfinished, unpublished. Maybe I'll go further with this one.


If you don't see me around for a while, I'm probably buried under a pile of paper or sitting glassy-eyed in front of the computer. Don't worry - I'll be back.


  1. Good luck with that - it will certainly keep you out of mischief! LOL

  2. I am always in awe of anyone who can do the NaNoWriMo! My hubby started a short story this summer. I'm going to strongly suggest he take the month to finish it. Would you ever consider sharing a portion of yours?

  3. Love the costume and good luck with the writing.

  4. You are one busy lady! I'm one of those Debbie Downers who never dresses up for Halloween.

    Please let us know how the NaNo novel writing goes ... I've never tried but have always been interested in the concept.

  5. Awww, I'm sorry your colleagues are a bunch of party poopers. Good for you that you made some fun of your own. I love your pirage costume!!!

  6. Good for you for having the Halloween spirit! Boo to the rest of them! :)


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